Side Story: Silvers

Start from the beginning

"It's like their preparing for war... We should find master and find out." Kunoichi said as they neared the gate.

"Oh man... Dragon Knight let me sit next to you and let me do the talking."

"Your the boss my lady." The Dragon Knight said letting Inquisitor sit next to her as their wagon came close to the gate being stopped by the soldiers.

"Hold it where are you all coming from?" The Captain asked walking to the wagon being wary of the Dragon Wyrmling pulling it.

"Sir we're silver ranked Adventurers of this town. I'm this groups leader Inquisitor may I ask what's going on here?" The Inquisitor asked as the group showed their Silver tags and her showing her religious symbol with her tag.

"Ah I see. Apologies Mi lady but there has been some growing troubles in this town. Monsters the size of men and reports of monstrous machines were said to be lurking in and out of town. A lot of women have been disappearing Women Adventurers in particular." The Captain said as the girls of the group looked at each other.

"That's not good... Is the guild still operating?"

"In these parks yes. However lots and lots of new recruit Adventurers have been disappearing and merchants have been avoiding this town. I suggest you go to the guild Hall to get more details. Your free to go and be careful... Oh if you all find out anything please tell us our investigation have been moot."

"Will do Captain... Lady DK if you please."

"Yah!... Could it be those nasty goblins? I heard tales and seen the caves of their nest... This sounds horrible..." The Dragon Knight said looking around noting the lively town she knew best seem very quiet now.

"Nasty little creatures... I certainly hope not... Then again an infestation would've been noticed by now. Especially if it was here." Inquisitor said rubbing her arms from the sudden chills.

"You never know Inq. I've been reading and hearing stories from bards that Goblins in recent years have been growing... Bolder." The Striker said as she and Kunoichi sat next to each other near the front of the wagon.

"But there is the Goblin Slayer... He normally takes care of them."

"Inquisitor Goblin Slayer is only one man. An Adventurer like us. He can't be everywhere killing Goblin's there some nest even he won't be there to eliminate." Kunoichi said tapping her shoulder.

"Kunoichi go check on your master ok."

"Hai I'll meet you at the hall." The kunoichi said as she disappeared in a flame circle that didn't leave a mark on the wagon.

"Lady Striker you and Dragon Knight tend to Earthy here ok... I'm going to talk to the guild master ok?" The Inquisitor said hopping off the wagon as they came to the hall while she rubbed the dragon's head.

"Will do. Whatever you need Dragon Knight."

"Thank you I appreciate it Striker. Ok Earthy round back."

"It's so empty here..." The Inquisitor said walking into the guild Hall as several Adventurers sat inside with faces of worry, sadness, and regret filled the room.

"Lady Inquisitor thank goodness your here." The Guildgirl of this guildhall said fixing her glasses.

"Guildgirl... What exactly happened here?"

"We have several Adventurers out on jobs and many haven't come back. And the ones here... We'll these last week's have been tough... Most of the Adventurers here lost party members and worse while everyone is at rest. Like poor Samurai-dono..." The Guildgirl said looking at the samurai sharpen his sword in the corner coping as he has his ruby tag laid down on the table with a mountain of mugs next to it.

The Artificer in the Party (Goblin Slayer Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now