Part 6

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Levi’s POV

I agreed to this deal. I was willing to do anything to keep talking to Zachary.

“Is it fine if I call you Zach?” I asked him. He looked at me and blushed and turned away.

He blushes alot.

“Did I say something wrong?” I asked. I hope I didn’t say anything wrong.

“Um, no. It’s just, that, um, no one- really asks me if they can give me a nickname.” He said shyly. He rubbed his neck with his hand.

“Oh, well, is it fine?” 

“Of course!” He sounded excited.

“Awesome, Zach! So, what’s your story?” I want to know more about his life.

“I was born on December 15. I’m a junior. I’m in the National Honor Society. I spend my time reading. Barely have any friends. And I’m gay.” He said the last part abruptly. He covered his mouth and hid his face behind his palms.

“Oh well, that’s interesting. I was born on April 5. I am also a junior. I’m on the football team, obviously. I like being with my friends. I like to go out but need to date someone. And I’m also gay.” I decided to also tell him my sexuality.

“Interesting.” He said while rubbing his chin.

“What?” I wondered why he was thinking.

“It’s just, I never expected YOU to also like guys. Everyone assumes you hook up with girls.”

“Well, I haven’t hooked up with anyone in a while. Makes me feel really lonely right now.” I said. I felt the awkward tension rise and turned away from him. I felt weak and vulnerable now, since I explained my loneliness.

“Me too. I feel lonely. And overwhelmed a lot.” He sighed.

We scooted closer like it was second nature. There was still space between us, but it was narrowing. I could feel Zach’s warmth starting to feel on me. I felt myself become flushed. I looked over to him, Zach, and saw his eyes reflecting the sun rays.

To break the tension, I thought of an idea.

“Hey, let’s play two lies, one truth.”

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