Part 5

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Zachary's POV

"First off, your name." He said. He gave me a small smirk, like he wanted this to happen so he could talk to me. I groaned out loud.

"Fine. Zachary Ross Barnum." I said. I looked away because I didn't want him to say-

"Barnum? Like the cookies?" He laughed. That's what I didn't want him to say.

"Screw you!" I said. I huffed and turned away.

"Fine! Whew, really needed that. My name is Levi Romero." He said while wiping his tears away. Levi. That's a nice name.

"Thank you! My mom gave it to me." He said. I didn't know I said it outloud.

"So, what school do you go to?" Levi asked.

"Hoover High." I looked at Levi more and then it clicked as to who this was. This was Levi, Crestview's quarterback.

"And I go to Crestview. You probably know who I am. I have an impeccable reputation" He smugly said while running his fingers through his black hair. Cocky, is what he is indeed.

"Yeah, everyone talks about how lonely and angry you are." I said, recalling all the rumors regarding him. He doesn't have a good track record.

"What- wait. Actually nevermind. So, what brings you here?" He said dropping the subject.

"I wanted to be alone." I said, trying to shade him indirectly.

"How's that working out?" He said, trying to get me riled up.

"What about you?" I said.

"I needed to clear my head for a while." He spoke, sounding a bit stressed.

"And now here we are." I turned to look more at the sun that was fading.

"Hey! C'mon. Let's talk more. You sound like a really cool guy." He touched my shoulder and I flinched in surprise. He turned me around.

"Fine! Only until we get off. Anything we say here is free space." I said. He crossed his heart and looked into my eyes. Our close proximity scared me. A visible blush came over me.

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