Part 2

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Levi’s POV

Ahh the carnival. A place for me to relax after a stressful few days.

I was brought here by my friends who wanted to hang out. After our football game, we needed a breather to wind down. This was perfect.

“Dude, hurry up and eat your corn dog!” I told Reese. He simply just started gagging on it.

“OH GOSH SLOW DOWN!” I said. He simply stopped choking and gave me a smirk.

“Don’t rush me, Levi.”

“It’s LEVI. As in Lee-Viy.” I flicked Reese’s forehead. He had a habit of saying my name wrong to spite me. 

We walked while our other friends were ahead of us. 

“Seriously dude, when are you gonna find a boyfriend. You’ve been lonely for so long.” Reese said.

“I’m fine being alone.” I said. I’m gay, if you didn’t know. After years of questioning and being angry at myself, I came to the conclusion that it was normal to be this way. But I’ve struggled finding someone because every guy I date is either horny, in the closet, or realizes they aren’t into guys.

I was too much into my thoughts. I needed to get away. Sometimes when I have too much on me, I need to get away from everyone. Then I saw the ferris wheel at the end of the pier. It shone with lights and glowed. The sunset behind it sank further into the ocean.

“I’m gonna go to the ferris wheel.” I told Reese. He understood my need to be alone and nodded.

I waited in line for a while until it was my turn. The couple in front of me stepped out of line because there wasn’t enough room for them. 

“Are you alone?” The operator said. I nodded in embarrassment.

“Okay. We have one spot left. You’ll have to share with someone.” He said. I agreed.

I entered the carriage and saw an adorable boy.

“Hi there.” I said. I met his eyes and he turned to me and blushed. He looked so cute and was probably my age. This is gonna be a fun ride.

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