Part 3

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Zachary’s POV

“Sooooo…” The hot guy said. I ignored him.

The ride started and I looked out to the ocean on my left. There was the ocean which reflected the orange, yellow, and red tints of the setting sun.

“What’s your name?” Hot guy said. I groaned and put my head on my palm and rested it on the railing. I guess this shut him up because he stopped talking.

I looked out onto the sea and saw the seagulls flying into the sun. 

‘Don’t fly too high.’ I told myself. I remembered that story. About how ambition can be the downfall of man. That mortal men should not try to be like the gods.

I wished I could fly away. I was growing tired more and more of the high expectations of my parents and school. Their need for me to be perfect. My sister had been able to escape ASAP and move out when she turned 18. I, however, still live with my mom and dad.

“Hmmm.” Hot guy sighed.

I ignored him and looked at the city infront of us, near the pier. The buildings began to glow as night began to envelop the eastern part of our town. 

‘Goodnight, sunshine.’ I said in my head. It sounded cheesy, but I love the day. And I also love the night. The two had their beauties that I never overlooked. I have a tendency to appreciate beautiful things.

“Hmmmmm.” Hot guy sighed again, this time much louder.

I chose to ignore it and closed my eyes, letting the breeze hit my face and blow my brown curls.

“HMMMMMM.” Hot guy sighed again. At this point, I’m pretty sure he was doing it to grab my attention.

“WHAT?” I said, getting annoyed.

“Hm, oh, nothing.” He said while turning away. 

I was really starting to hate this guy. I wanted to come here and be by myself or at least be able to calm down.

But this fucker was changing all that. I was next to a guy who probably would smash me into the lockers at school. He would probably call me a slur. I know he would never like me.

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