Chapter Twenty Two: Gone

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I opened the door that led me straight to the woods, I was in pine forest now and I was sprinting through the woods. I couldn't feel my own two feet that's how tired I was.

Xavier told me to wait for him so he could give me a ride to Lucy's house. As he was getting dressed to drive me there I couldn't wait for him, so I just made a run for it. I know he would get mad after, but honestly I don't really give a fuck right now.

Some branches cut through my cloths and my skin,but I've had worse. I run throughout the neighbourhood till I reached the old wooden house which was also known as Lucy's home.

I ran in front of the door, the sun was coming up so it was morning. I knocked on the door twice then the door slowly creaked open. why was the door open? I said to myself.

Then I heard yelling but it was a males voice not just any male it was... Lucy's dad's voice. I heard him yelling and swearing then I heard Stacy's voice, Stacey was Lucy's mom. I heard her mom crying and yelling back.

Then I heard smashing of stuff and I heard more screaming. I opened the door with force that it smashed the wall behind it. my heart was beating against my chest and I felt that the next thing I saw I would regret saving in my memory forever.

I walked in the living room to find Dave (Lucy's dad) pulling Stacy's hair and yelling at her. I screamed at the top of my lungs

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled running to Stacy and holding her in my arms.

"Are you okay?" I said tears falling down my face. She nodded. I saw beer bottles every where Dave was drunk and he was staring me down with his blood shot eyes.

"Why are you in my house?!" He yelled my way. he came close to me he grabbed me by my hair, a plunging scream left my mouth. from the pain coming from my head. He threw me across the room my side start hurting and I was getting light headed.

All of the sudden I saw a big black wolf on top of Dave. I couldn't really see anything but that was all I could see from my blur vision. then I felt worm arms holding me up my vision start to clear up but my head was aching. I looked up to see Xavier.

"I told you not to go without me" he said in a low voice, I smiled and hugged him.

"I know, I'm sorry" I said looking across the room to Stacy. She was lying on the ground helpless all the energy was drained out of her. I got out of Xavier's hold and crawled to her.

I put my hands on her fragile body. I looked back at Xavier "Go call the cops" I said in a scared voice.

Dave was laying across the floor blood gushing from his face. Stacy's eyes slowly opened

"Go up stairs... Lucy's there" she said in a whisper I gasped and got up.

"The ambulance will be here soon" I reassured her. she nodded and closed her eyes. I ran upstairs to see Lucy's room, I saw three brothers all huddled up in a corner. I walked past them they could have tried to stop there father from abusing there mother, I know I would do that. I opened Lucy's door slowly, the bed room door creaked slowly.

The door opened fully, my mouth was wide open from the sight my tears flowed out of my eyes my heart was beating faster then the speed of light. I crouched down knee level to Lucy she was laying down on the ground with blood pouring out of her wrist.

"LUCY!!" I yelled she didn't respond.

"ANSWER ME PLEASE!" I said crying. There was an empty pill bottle in her other hand.

"No, no, no!!" I yelled the bottle was empty. This was the most frightening thing that I would ever have to do in my life.

I took my hand and put my two fingers on her wrist to see if her pulse was there, I didn't feel no heart beat. That's when more tears threatened to fall down my face then I checked her pulse on her neck. her pulse was gone Lucy was dead and there was nothing I could do about it.

I was in the middle of her bedroom with Lucy's head on my lap and blood flowing out of her arm. she cut her vain and she overdosed on her pills, she wanted to die. She made sure if she didn't die from cutting her vain that she knew if she overdosed she would be dead for sure.

I put my hand on her bleeding wrist and I rested my head on her stomach. I start balling my eyes out and crying so loud. "HELP, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!!" I yelled then I heard the door open and strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me away.

"No stop, let go of me!" I was kicking and screaming.

"No baby, come on" Xavier whispered in my ear. I looked behind and I saw the girls staring at Lucy's dead body on the floor there mouths open.

They start crying and running over to her body. "NO!" Serenity yelled. Ariana start hugging Lucy's body. Meghan fell to the floor and hit her head against the floor. next thing I know the ambulance running over to Lucy and put her on a stretcher.

Xavier pulled me into a hug. "She's dead" I said crying in his arms.

"Shhh baby, she might seem dead but she's still alive in your heart." he said in his low voice. I kept on crying hoping this was all a dream, hoping The the next day Lucy would come and wake me up every morning and tackle me down to the floor when I called my self ugly.

I didn't want to believe she was dead but she was, she is never coming back to me, and I feel guilty I couldn't save her. by now her body was gone but there was blood stains still on her carpet and her puke from her overdose.

The girls ran over to me we all hugged each other in one big group hug but it felt empty with out Lucy. god knows how where gonna get through this. We all were crying and still hugging.

"We will get through this" Serenity said wiping her tears away.

"I don't know if we can" Ariana said. We all turned around to see Jason crying and lighting up a cigarette. I know he loved Lucy. Xavier helped me out of the room to go down stairs.

Everything was broken, there was punches in the wall Lucy's mom was also on a stretcher. I wonder if she knows about her daughters death.

We all went down stairs and out side. we all linked arms I was so tired with my blood shot eyes, but I feel guilty to even breath.

Lucy was a good person, she deserved to live. I looked at the police car and there was Dave in the police car handcuffed. I was glade he was, I hope he goes to jail for what he caused. Thinking about him made me so angry.

"Now we only have each other, we all have to protect each other from now on no matter what" Serenity said.

We all linked arms and just stared at the commotion. she's dead, she's gone, she is never coming back.


{Authors note}

Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in sooooooooo long, my device was broken and I'm actually on my friends device she was so nice for letting me write on her own iPod.

I'm probably getting a phone this summer so there will be slow updates still, I'm so sorry guys. there's really nothing I can do hope you guys liked this chapter.

I love you all for still reading does it still hurt?


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