Chapter 25: Banes Borough

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The morning that the entire family has been dreading finally happens. As Jin and Yoongi make breakfast, the tv playing in the background blares the sound of a government announcement. Yoongi and Jin turn everything off in the kitchen then join their mates in the living room

"All carnivores and dangerous carnivores must move out of their housing by 9 pm tonight. After moving out of their housing, they must report to Banes Borough where they will be assigned their new lodging. The rent for the new lodging will be payed to the government and will be proportionate to the payments they are currently making. The non-carnivorous mates and children of said carnivores and dangerous carnivores do not have to join the carnivores and dangerous carnivores; however, once in Banes Borough, carnivores and and dangerous carnivores will not be able to leave. Family who stays outside of Banes Borough will have to apply for visitation times which will take place in one of the assigned facilities. "

"I'm going with you." Taehyung tells Jungkook the moment the announcement is finished.

"I know, and I'm not going to stop you." Jungkook smiles and kisses Taehyung.

"Obviously, I'm going." Jin tells Namjoon with a determined voice.

"I know, Moon." Namjoon smiles and kisses his beautiful mate.

"All three of us are going with you." Jimin smiles at Yoongi as he gently holds his swollen belly.

"I love you, Mini." Yoongi whispers to his mate and cuddles Jimin in his arms.

"Don't worry, Seokie. We're going with them." Hyungsik lovingly tells his sad mate.

"We are? How?" Hoseok asks as the others turn their attention to them.

"I asked around and found out that they needed some doctors to open a clinic in Banes Borough. I signed all of us up. You and I will be moving to the borough while Jin and Jimin will also work at the clinic. And if Taehyung wants to, he can as well. It's government funded, so we won't make a whole lot of money, but we will all still be together." Hyungsik explains as he gently cradles his mate's face.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" Hoseok cries as he hugs Hyungsik.

"Damn, Hyungsik. You did good." Namjoon smiles as he looks at the pair.

"Thank you." Hyungsik smiles back as Namjoon.

"We need to pack." Hoseok sniffles as he looks up at his mate.

"I already did." Hyungsik smiles and points to their bags sitting with the other bags.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Hoseok asks as he squeezes Hyungsik.

"You have, but I do like hearing it." Hyungsik chuckles and pets the top of Hoseok's head.

"Ok, I suggest that we go now so that we don't have to wait in a long line. Each couple should also only take one vehicle. I am sure they are limiting our belongings." Jin suggests as he leans into Namjoon's embrace.

"I agree. We will take Taehyung's car since it's bigger and can hold all of our luggage." Jungkook responds as he walks over to their bags.

"What about breakfast?" Yoongi asks when he hears his mate's tummy grumble.

"We'll eat in the car." Namjoon answers and grabs some of his and Jin's luggage.

"I'll finish cooking while the rest of you load the cars." Jin tells them and walks to the kitchen.

When Jin walks into the kitchen, he begins to cry uncontrollably. Their entire lives are being ripped up. The homes they spent so much time making perfect and filling with memories are now going to be empty and cold. There will no longer be their laughter filling every room. Their lives are being stuffed into a few bags.

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