Chapter 4: Freedom is Fleeting

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Warm tears stream down his face when Jungkook hears the voice he has been longing to hear all through his torment.

"Oh god! Jungkook!" Taehyung sobs as he holds Jungkook in his arms.

"Taehyung." Jungkook weakly whimpers when he realizes he is safe in Taehyung's arms.

"What did they do to you?!" Taehyung's sobs become louder when he sees Jungkook's hollow cheeks and cracked, bloody lips as he lowers Jungkook's muzzle so he can breathe.

"Taehyung." Jungkook says again as a faint smile dances across his face when he sees those stunning, blue eyes he has been dreaming about.

Taehyung slowly sits on the ground with Jungkook in his arms as he ignores the stares and whispers of the other students around them. He sobs as he cradles Jungkook's weak body in his arms. Jungkook's once fluffy tail is now limp and thin. His beautiful raven hair has been crudely cut while his ears are scarred.

Taehyung sobs as he barely recognizes the boy he fell in love with. Three months changed Jungkook so much. Jungkook begins to whimper and shake as the pain he had subdued the past several months comes crashing over him like a tsunami.

"I've got you. You're ok." Taehyung cries as he tries to stand up with Jungkook in his arms.

"Help me! Someone help me!" Taehyung desperately screams when he realizes Jungkook is bleeding from wounds he can't see under Jungkook's clothes.

"Taehyung, let's bring him to the nurse's office." Jimin says when he finally has the courage to come near the dying wolf.

"She won't see him. He's classified as a dangerous carnivore." Taehyung cries as he tightly holds Jungkook to him and hides Jungkook's face in his arms against his chest.

"What do we do then?" Jimin asks when he gently touches the shaking wolf.

"I don't know." Taehyung cries as he listens to Jungkook's labored breathing.

"HELP US!!! SOMEBODY HELP US!!!" Jimin screams as he begins to sob because of the pain Jungkook is going through.

To the two boys' horror, no one comes to their aid.

"HELP US YOU PIECES OF SHIT!!!" Jimin screams as Jungkook begins to cough up blood.

"Jungkook, stay with me, please." Taehyung begs as Jungkook's blood begins pooling around them and staining Taehyung's white tail.

"Taehyung." Jungkook whimpers as his vision becomes blurry and he can no longer see the boy he had been fighting to see again.

"What happened here?" A German shepherd hybrid asks as he walks past the school and sees three children covered in blood.

"Please help us. H-he's dying." Jimin begs and sobs when he runs over to the German shepherd.

The man quickly runs over to Jungkook when he hears Jimin's pleas.

"I'm a doctor. I have a clinic specifically for carnivores. Let me take him there." The man says as he examines the dying boy.

"Please." Taehyung cries as he lets the man pick up Jungkook.

"Follow me." The doctor says then starts running towards his clinic with the dying wolf.

Taehyung and Jimin quickly follow after. When they reach the clinic, the doctor quickly begins to work on saving Jungkook. Taehyung sobs when he sees the wounds all over Jungkook's body. Jimin holds his sobbing friend as he looks at the wolf's starved body.

"Is it ok if I take off his muzzle? He is having a difficult time breathing." The doctor asks Jimin.

"It's ok. Do whatever you have to do to save him." Jimin says as he holds his sobbing friend in his arms.

Muzzled ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon