❄️ Chapter 1 ❄️

Beginne am Anfang

Is the hope for the return of their parents?

Yumetsuki's body shook and she let out a long, deep sigh that ruffled the pepper grey hair of the woman who was carrying Yumetsuki on her back. The woman looked over her shoulder and Yumetsuki's blue eyes met the woman's deep purple eyes.

"You're up already?" asked the woman's deep voice, with a tinge of bygone euphonic tone of youth. "You're malnourished and weak, you have to get some rest before you are able to move,"

In almost a sort of an act of defiance, Yumetsuki tried to move her body with more force, but a groan escaped her lips as her body protested in obvious pain and annoyance. The body beneath Yumetsuki's body rumbled slightly with deep laughter. Yumetsuki's cheeks warmed up and she sighed.

"Oh..." Yumetsuki let out a sigh, not sure what to do with the woman carrying her on her back. She just wanted to get away from everyone. "W... Where are we...? Where are we going...? Who are you?"

"Goodness, I think I'm going senile already!" the woman said. Yumetsuki didn't know what that word meant. "My name is Chiharu but you can call me Grandma Chi. We're in Konohagakure, in the Land of Fire, we're going to your new home,"

Konohagakure in the Land of Fire?

Yumetsuki's home was in Kirigakure in the Land of Water.

Yumetsuki wasn't sure what to reply the woman with. She wasn't sure if she should even trust this woman in the first place. What if she was lying that Yumetsuki really was going to get tortured for Intel? She knew nothing! She knew absolutely nothing! Her father had told her to never trust anyone but him! How could she disobey him so much?

"We're almost there, don't worry," Grandma Chi assured her in that unfamiliar tone. "We'll get you changed into nice clothes and have some dinner together, okay?"

Yumetsuki nodded slightly. The two-year-old girl lifted her head from the woman's shoulder and looked at the mountains in front of her curiously. Three faces were carved out of the stone, overlooking the village.

Are they the leaders of this village?

Yumetsuki tried to think of the time her father had explained to her about the villages. Land of Water... Mizukage... Land of Fire... Yumetsuki nodded. She had remembered her Oto-San's lesson.

Truthfully, Yumetsuki and her father hardly had a father-daughter relationship, something that was quite understandable if you were to look. Yumetsuki's mother died giving birth to her prematurely and her father was reminded excessively of the woman by Yumetsuki.

When Yumetsuki had turned one, a civil war broke out between two sections of Chigiri no Sato, or the Village of the Bloody Mist, during which the Yuki Clan's Kekkei Genkai brought persecution. And her Oto-San told her that people were coming for her promptly so they needed to leave.

"Here we are," Grandma Chi announced.

Yumetsuki looked up and ahead, her blue eyes falling upon dozens of children playing around in a large clearing. Behind them stood a large cabin-like building, set in what seemed to be the outskirts of Konohagakure.

An orphanage...? So, it is true after all...

Her father is really dead and now she's here in a completely foreign village...

"Chi-San, who is this...?" spoke a younger voice as it approached them. It belonged to a fairly short woman in her mid-twenties with short dark hair and deep green eyes. She left the door wide open behind her as she came running over.

Flower in the Mirror [Hatake Kakashi] [1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt