11. take care of me

Start from the beginning

Figuring that things couldn't really get that much worse, I popped the cover off the needle and injected it into my arm. Instantly, noise flooded into my ears more clearly and my vision began to dilate.

"Artemis. Jade. Robin."

"It's Red Tornado," Artemis jumped out.

I shot up quickly, shoving her out of the way. Yes on the Red, no on the Tornado.

We resorted to climbing on top of the shelves, two bots blocking off both ends of the room.

"I thought you were KO-ed?" Birdie questioned.

I held up the empty syringe for him to see, before tossing it aside and continuing to hop from one shelf to the next. It was a sensory stimulant; not very legal, but very effective.

We leapt down as the bookcases began to topple. Birdie ran his finger across the books before he finally pulled one forward, opening a secret pathway.

"Unh, did you know Tornado had siblings?"


Artemis grabbed both of us, bringing us to a halt, "So now what? Red Tornado is one of the powerhouses of the league. How are we supposed to take down two of him?"

"They do seem pretty user-un-friendly,"

"Don't joke! They—"

"Attention, Robin. Attention, Artemis. Attention, Jade. You have exactly ten minutes to surrender or the lives of your teammates will be extinguished."

"Eight minutes."

"We can access the hanger from here... or not."

"Will you please stop saying that!" Artemis cried as the entire room was soon underwater.

Birdie ripped his cape off, shoving a re-breather in my mouth. The lack of oxygen wouldn't be very helpful for this concussion debacle. I inhaled only for a second, until Artemis panicking behind caught our attention.

I passed it to her, but it fell out when she screamed. One of the Reds had gained a hold of her foot. I grabbed her hand, shooting a grapple at the opposite wall. The rope was getting tugged by the bot that pulled Artemis, whose nails were practically digging into my wrist. Birdie swam past me, grabbing one of the many arrows floating around, lodging it into the bots head. It finally let go, and I retracted the grapple to pull the three of us away.

With the re-breather gone, I was beginning to have trouble holding my breath. We kept swimming upward, until finally we broke through the surface in the mission room.

"Look out!"

The other Red was flying overhead, launching ball after ball of fire.

"You guys okay?" Birdie asked the boys who were trapped in some sort of metal.

"Forget us. Help M'gann!"

"Aqualad. Is she?"

"She is unconscious," he strained, trapped with her in a cage of fire. "I fear she... we cannot survive much longer."

We had to go back underwater with the bot still on our tail. When we arrived at the other end of the cave, we were surrounded.

"I'm almost our of arrows," Artemis said, looking between the bots.

I pushed them back into the water before either the water of the fire could hit us. Let's not take our chances then.

We escaped, forced back into another airway.

"Six minutes."

"What do we do now?"

"We save them. That's how it works."

JADE (young justice/robin)Where stories live. Discover now