The Dragon did nothing . It only stared at her and then slowly moved towards her ...and...and nuzzled her !.

She was shocked and so was the crowd .

And then without a fight , the Dragon gave her the golden egg , pushing it gently towards her with her claw .

She finished first without having to do anything .

She felt like she cheated , but ....she was happy to be alive .
" That wasn't normal , Hermione . How did she charm that Dragon ?".

" She's probably a born Dragon whisperer  . I've read about those, Ronald ."

" You always read about something , Hermione . It doesn't mean it's true ."

The two stood in the boathouse , arguing once again about their favourite subject: Iridessa.

Said girl was back at the castle , spending time with Ginny and Luna , while Harry witnessed the argument between his two friends .

It was amusing to watch the two of them  . He was far more used to it than Iridessa herself was .

" Harry should've been in first place . Not her ," Ron grumbled .

" She's a Gryffindor too, Ronald. Gryffindor spirit and all . Get used to her winning."

Harry shook his head , smiling at them fondly . Goodness knows , he missed this while Ron was still his petty self .

Now he's changed from Harry to Iridessa. How incredibly silly of him .

Though , he didn't like her in her first year , he seemed to like her well enough  up until now .

" She cheated ," Ron said , giving Hermione a look that stated clearly that she shouldn't argue with him about that.

A sigh escaped her lips . " She didn't cheat ,Ron," she said before turning around and walking away , clearly done with this whole conversation .

Harry followed her , but not after he looked at Ron briefly .
The first task was now finished . The Yule lay ahead .

Iridessa got asked more than three times a day to the ball , but she she had to decline because she already had a date .

Harry asked her the same day that he learnt about the ball , though , he was quite nervous .

It was only Ron who had no one at first until Iridessa practically forced him to ask Luna Lovegood .

He wasn't very happy about that , but let her steamroller all over his complaints because he really didn't have anything to complain about .

Because Iridessa was a third year all third years were allowed to go to the ball  and the beautiful girl was very happy about it.

Many fourth year girls didn't have a date like the Patil twins .

Iridessa and Lavender Brown made it their mission to help them get asked to the ball . In the end Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas had two beautiful dates .

Dresses were easy to get for those who don't have something to wear . Alice helped them all get dresses . As well as the boys get dress robes . She cringed at Ron's dress robes and decided to get rid of the lace and whatever was on that maroon dress robes . In the end it looked like Harry's and not like something Ron's great Uncles and Aunts would wear .

Alice even got the nasty smell out that came with the robes .

She also found a dress for Ginny that didn't look like a little girl's party dress .

Ginny looked like a goddess with her new dress and made heads turn .

Iridessa's dress was beautiful also and made her look older . It was a one shoulder white dress with a black sash to match Harry's dress robes .

Iridessa didn't really like the sash , but Alice wanted her to wear it, so she went ahead and wore it on the night of the ball  .

Alice helped decorate the ballroom for this , having discovered it when she explored a little . The Great Hall would've been used , but she was adamant that the ballroom was the right place .

And it was . It was larger than the Great Hall and there were already tables and french doors that lead into a magical garden that was now decorated with fairy lights and everything for the event . 

And what an event it was .

Girls looked positively glowing with their radiant beauty as they smiled and danced through the evening .

Boys were handsome and Iridessa couldn't help but smile at her own partner for the evening .

But a ball can't go on without a little bit of trouble. 

This was in the form of Ron Weasley who was beyond mad that Hermione had Victor Krum , the Durmstrang champion , for a date .

He didn't dance with Luna that evening . Not even once until Iridessa practically forced him to .

" It's a ball . Dance ,Ron ," was her words .

Luna already had danced with other boys ,though. Even Jasper and Edward took her for a turn around the room.

There wasn't just Wizarding World music playing , but also Muggle songs like Elvis's iconic song about wise men and falling in love .

And some of the backstreet boys songs that Iridessa liked .

Mostly the Weird Sisters sang songs from their stage .

Some of the songs wasn't nice ,but Iridessa danced to them anyway .

Harry disappeared later on , having to keep his two friends from tearing each other's throats out . He came back looking very unhappy .

" I can't understand why Ron always have to ruin things ," he grumbled as he sat down beside a foot sore Iridessa .

" It's Ron ,Harry . He has a lot of insecurities . I have older  siblings too. I know what it's like . Edward , Alice, everyone is so good at things . I'm not . Ron probably feels the same  ".

" Des , it's not just because of that . I think Ron is in love with Hermione ."

Iridessa smiled . " Oh definitely ,Harry . Instead of telling her , he goes and toss his toys out of the cot . Come on, Harry, he's insecure about himself . He's living in your shadow also to top it all off . "

Harry sighed softly . He knew that , that's obviously true , but Ron needs to grow up in his opinion .

" I'll get us drinks ," Iridessa  said, getting up .

Harry grabbed her hand lightly ." I'll go . It's my job ".

She suppressed the urge to  roll her eyes .

Of course he'd be so obviously  male.

She sat down again and a moment later Luna sat down beside her .

" This is nice, isn't it ?", she asked .

Iridessa smiled ." Yes , it is ".

" Where'd Ron go ?".

Iridessa's smile fell . " I don't know , Luna Laguna . I think he went to talk to Hermione for a bit . I don't know when he'll be back , but you can hang out with Harry and I if you like ?".

Luna didn't say anything , but she smiled and Iridessa knew that ,that smile said that she would like to hang out with Harry and Iridessa .

Harry came back and luckily he had three drinks , having seen Luna approach Iridessa .

For the rest of that evening the two entertained Luna . Ron never came back and Luna didn't ask about him again .
Hope you like.

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