Chapter nine

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The next day at breakfast, Yu kept thinking about the things that had happened the night prior. Should they tell Ash? That was probably a good idea, but now he had to worry about the fact that he only had half an hour left to get ready for school. He was scuffing down his cereal as Ash entered the room, out of breath. She reached for another bowl from the cabinets and roughly threw it on the table as she went to make herself some cereal as she saw the pointing look of Beth. "...What?" She asked as she was already filling her mouth with her freshly made breakfast.

"Oh, I'm just asking myself why my dear daughter is late and looks like she hasn't gotten any sleep, even though she proudly said that she wanted to go to bed early yesterday." Beth replied with a smug look. Ash rolled her eyes and continued stuffing her mouth with the breakfast. "Sorry mom, I forgot that I needed sleep to function." She then slowly replied with her mouth still full of cereal.
"Do you want coffe?" Bath asked and without hesitation Ash snatched the mug out of her mother's hands. "Thank you" she said with a sly smirk playing around her lips.
"That was mine!"
"Not anymore," was the last thing Yu heard as they ran upstairs to get their things ready for school.

When they were just about finished, Ash ran into their room and smashed the door shut, leaning against it. "Don't let her find me...!" She whisper-shouted. Yu slowly nodded and continued on getting his things together. Yu hesitated a second before turning towards Ash and asking her if she had heard or seen anything unusual this night. "No... nothing that I can think of right now" she answered, "why?".

Yu was about to answer as he heard a knock on his wooden door. "Yu, I know Ash is in here, and when you're both finished with packing your things please come to the car, I also need to get to work." Beth's muffled voice came through the closed door. Her slowly distancing footsteps let Yu and Ash know that she's gone to probably go to the earlier mentioned car.

"Just tell me later" Ash quickly said as she left Yu's room, going to pack her own things for school. Yu sighed and sat on their bed before quickly remembering that Beth wanted them to come to the car and she wasn't a very patient woman. They stood up and looked at their reflection in the window. The sun was barely going over the tree tops, so he was still able to see his reflection. His pale farce was, that was framed by his very light hair. He had once colored them blue, but it was washed out already. Twisting his lips into a thin line he let his thoughts wander.Why did he have to look like that, couldn't he just be normal? He pushed his, almost shoulder length, hair out of his face and looked at the floor.

Pulling himself out of his thoughts, he grabbed his bag and rushed down the stairs and out of the door, forgetting to put on his shoes on the way. Groaning, he turned around again and roughly pulled his shoes over his colorful socks before finally going towards the red car. The lack was falling off on some places and the whole vehicle didn't look like it was new. Yu didn't mind it though, it fit the vibe of the weird two people family. Just as Yu was about to open the passenger side door, Ash ran past him in lightning Speed. "SHOTGUN!" She screamed as she pushed Yu out of the way and hopped on the seat next to Beth who was just rolling her eyes. "Sorry sucker" Ash triumphantly said and did some weird handguns in Yu's direction. They just rolled their eyes amused and went to the backseat to sit down in the old, brown leather seat.They pulled their seatbelt on and as Beth asked if everyone was ready they just nodded while Ash shouted an exited "YES!". Beth sighed and said something that sounded like 'kids' under her breath.

Maybe Ash shouldn't have had that coffee after all.

The ride was silent and except for Ash's continuously bouncing of her foot, also quite relaxed. It took longer then Yu would've thought and liked, but the school was almost perfect so he'll have to endure the daily 20 minute car drive. Ash left the car before Yu did, since she went to a different school, one that focused on sports and English. Of course did Ash go to a sports school, with all of her energy and strength it really wasn't surprising. As Ash went out, she kissed Beth quickly on the cheek and send a knowing smile in Yu's direction.

Beth let Yu out in front of the school gates. She would've come inside, but she too had to get to work. She worked in a bakery, as Yu at dinner the last evening was told. The bakery was owned by a nice elderly lady, who knew Beth because she once was her caretaker. They had stayed in contact for a long time and after the lady got to experience Beth's baking skills, she offered her the job.

Yu loved that Beth knew so many people and was so kind to all of them. Her motherly aura was just too captivating for anyone to dislike her.

The school was large, two frond doors were wide open welcoming the students that went in one by one. The school looked older, but well kept. The exterior was a bit overgrown but nothing like the house from Beth. Yu shouldered his bag and drew in a deep, slow breath. He just had to find the headmaster's office and would be fine. Maybe tell their teachers about their name too, but otherwise it wouldn't be a big problem, right? Wrong.

When Yu stepped into the building he could swear that everyone was looking at him. It might not be true, but their anxiety told them otherwise. 'They're staring at you, Yu' the voice he knew all too well told him. 'They are disgusted by you' it continued to chant, making them believe it. He looked at the floor trying to hide his face and hair as best as possible. Why didn't he wear his hoodie and instead something without a hood. In the rush they must've forgotten that it always made them uncomfortable when people were able to look at him. That was why they normally wore a hood, to cover up his face.

He started to sweat lightly, fiddling with his hand inside his jacket pockets, pulling the ring he wore on his pointer finger off, just to take it back on again to twist it. Luckily, he somehow found the office. Staring at the door, rethinking his live choices before building up all their courage to open the door. A scent of peppermint mixed with shaving cream welcomed him as he entered the room.

"Ah, hello" a deep voice greeted him, coming from seat in front of the desk. "How can I help you" it spoke again. Yu tensed up. He was never good with talking to people, let alone someone he just met. "Uhm..." he slowly started, "I'm new here and..."

"Oh! Of course. I'll need your name quickly, so I can get your schedule." The voice said again, making the teen who stood in the doorway tense. "Uhm..'s Yu..." he spoke softly, scared of confusing the headmaster. "I can only find a Yukashi here, is that you?" he asked and the teen nodded, looking at the floor. "Alright" the man just spoke, pulling two papers from his desk. "This is your schedule, and this is a plan of the school , to help you find your way 'round."
Yu nodded and reached for the papers, avoiding any form of physical contact while doing so.

The middle aged men smiled at him, showing his white, slightly crooked teeth. "If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. Me and Ana, my assistant, are always available." He offered a toned hand for Yu to shake, which the pale teen hesitantly did. The men retracted his hand and motioned towards the door. "Well, I hope you'll have a pleasant stay in our school, and now get going before your teachers get mad at you for coming too late" he said. Yu nodded silently and went out of the still half opened door and into the, now empty, corridors of the school.

Hopefully he'll find his classes.


~1426 words

Hello, I'm sorry that it took a bit for me to write this chapter, but I was skiing and didn't have a good Wi-Fi connection, sadly. Anygay, I hope you liked it none the less :3


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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