Chapter two

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Yu sat on the large black couch. His leg was propped up and his arm was resting on top of it.

They ended up sleeping for over an hour and had to get woken up by Beth, to eat the pie she made. It was delicious and looked perfect. Beth defenetly had talent in backing. She also told Yu about the house and who else was residing in it while they were eating.

There was Beth's aunt Charlotte who originally owned the house but sold it to Beth because she wasn't able to care for it, Ash, the teen he met earlier, a young boy named Sven and Beth herself.

It was mid afternoon by now and the sun was shining brightly through the living room floating it with warm yellow light. Yu was texting with Marco. A friend he knew since preschool but who ended up moving to France so they weren't able to talk as much any more.

Yu missed him, but they also know that they would meet again even if it would be when both were adults and lived their own lives.
He heard his phone's notification tone going off to alert him of another text from Marco.

"So, what were you doing 'til now?"
Read the message.

"Nothing much really" they typed back "just sitting in the living room and thinking about scenarios that most likely will never happen"

"Yea feel that
But you know you can alway call me when your bored"
"It's you're not your but I know and thank you"
"Man youre so mean"
"That was better but you're still missing the ' "
"Ok, ok, I'll stop"
"Good choice..."

Yu stood up and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. The sun was about to set and shone in a bright yellow light into the kitchen. They went over to the sink and poured themselves a glass of water, the water reflected the light which made a beautiful pattern on the walls. They then made their way up the stairs and in his room.

They decided to write Marco another message.
"Hey I'm in my room now, I'll switch to my laptop now" he typed.
"Ok" was the short reply they got.

They opened their laptop and signed into his discord account.
"I'm back" he sent.
"Great but I have to get ready now :')"
"Oh, ok" they typed while letting their shoulders sink, "have fun"

Yu looked around his new room. He still didn't unpack. His backpack was already half empty because he used most of the items inside already, but his suitcase was still sitting in the corner of their room unopened. With a sigh Yu stood up and went over to the dark blue suitcase. He opened it and started to put the content in different places in his room.

His clothes came into the closet (obviously) and his stuffed animal came on top of his bed.
The animal was an orange fox, whose tail tip and belly was white, the ear tips on the other hand were a dark brown. It wasn't the newest model but it was very huggable. Of course, Yu would rather cuddle with a real person, but he couldn't just go around in school and ask random people if they want to cuddle, could he?

Another reason he still had the fox was because it was a gift from his dad, when he was still around. Yu always felt connected to his dad when he hugged the stuffed animal. He couldn't remember much of his dad or his mom but he knew that his dad was a big hearted guy. They always talked with each other and Yu felt save with him.

Shaking his head to get rid of the unwanted thoughts, Yu went back to unpacking the rest of his stuff.
It was already dark outside when they finished unpacking. Yu knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep because his sleep schedule was really messed up, so they decided to go and explore the rest of the house a bit. There was one part he still hadn't seen.

The teen slowly slipped out of their room and down the stairs. The dim moonlight was just lighting up enough so he was able to see where the walls were.
Yu slowly made their way towards an unopened door. It probably wasn't a good idea to go around a house that they didn't know when it was late at night and very dark but Yu didn't have anything to loose anymore.

They slowly opened the door and slipped inside the room. They felt around for the light switch and switched it on once he found it. A warm lamp lit up and bathed the room in a nice dim light. There was a grand piano in the middle and a guitar hang from the wall. There were also different instruments in cases on the floor and on shelves.

Yu recognized a violin case on the floor right next to another case that they sadly didn't recognize.
Yu was stunned to say the least. He never would've thought that this family would play so many instruments.

The teen slowly went around the room and looked at the beautiful instruments. They stopped at the guitar that they saw earlier hanging from the wall and slowly stretched a hand out towards the instrument.
A thick layer of dust was laying on the guitar and it was very out of tune as The white haired teen pulled on a string.

Yu let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. This room was weird but also perfect, the dusty smell of wood and the way the light hit every corner.
They once learned how to play the guitar but weren't allowed to take it with them after they got kicked out. They really missed playing and now there was hanging a guitar right in front of them, together with many other instruments that were all probably not played in a long time.

He laughed a bit out of glee. Was this really real? Or was this just dream he had? They looked around themselves for a second before pulling the guitar out of its place on the wall. It smelled a bit old and Yu had to sneeze from all the dust that was coming up. He was astounded. Had this guitar really hung here for years? Why had nobody played it, or all the other instruments? Many questions came flooring in Yu's mind that he had to push aside.

They were about to pull on another string to see how much it was out of tune, as he heard footsteps outside the door. In panick they hung the guitar back in its original place before rushing out of the dark door and up the stairs, passing by the family portraits, that reached from older to newer as he ran past them.

Once they were safe and secure upstairs they listened for more footsteps. Nothing. Releasing a breath, he slowly crept towards his room. The door made crying noises as they opened it and pushed past it, into their room.


~1216 words

Hello again :3
I hope you liked the chapter, it was a bit shorter then the last one, but that'll chance in the next one.
I know it's a bit boring in the beginning but it'll get more interesting soon don't worry ;)

Sys (also: happy valentines day :))

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