Chapter three

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Yu sat on his bed. The shock was still fresh, but he slowly felt his heartbeat calming down to a normal past.
Why were they even so afraid that someone could see them in the room?

Maybe he was just afraid of having to explain why he was even up so late at night. They looked at the clock that was hanging in his room. Half past one am.

He didn't realize that it was already that late. They let their body fall on his bed and sighed. Man, this house was honestly really weird.

Closing their eyes, they fell into a deep comfortable sleep.


His alarm woke him up the next day.

8 am it read in big, bold letters.

'Oh shoot, I must've forgot to turn it off' Yu thought as he groggily sat up in his soft bed. Sleep wasn't an option anymore, so they went down the stairs and into the kitchen. The sun wasn't even rising yet and the whole house was laying in a comfortable darkness.

They went into the kitchen and made themselves a tea, something that always relaxed them. He thought about making breakfast for the house owners, and decided to do it as a repayment for letting him live here.

They decided on simple waffles with berries and cream, if they had any.
Still sleepy from the night before, he started on the Dough. It was simple really, but Yu wasn't good in the kitchen, they were able to cook, but they needed a recipe to make it.

They searched for a waffle Iron but after a ten minute search without finding one, he gave up and decided on just making the waffles in a pan.

When they finished with baking, Yu set the waffles on a plate and on top of the table. He put a cloth over it, to keep it from cooling down too much or attracting any unwanted animals.

They thought about the weird room with all the instruments inside and asked himself it that all was just another weird dream of his. He often had these dreams of scenarios or people he wished he could see or experience. In reality it was all just a small childish vision that he would never be able to experience in reality.

He sat up and went towards a cabinet wich held papers and pencils inside its drawer. He got out a paper and wrote down a message for Beth.

"Hey Beth, I woke up early today and wanted to do breakfast. I couldn't find a waffle Iron so I made them in a pan, I hope they taste good."

It was short and dry but Yu really wasn't in the mood to write more. They pushed themselves out of their chair and went down to the hall where he dreamed of finding the instrument room.

He didn't expect much but was still a bit sad when they didn't find a door at the end of the hallway, all there was was a wall with an old picture of a cat. The cat was very chubby and sat on a throne with a crown in top of its head.

"That was Lucy, mom's cat when she was a kid." A voice suddenly spoke up being them, startling them in the process. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to scare you!" The voice spoke again. Yu turned around only to be met with a caramel coloured face very close to their own. It was Ash.

The smaller teen pressed himself against the wall to get a bit more space inbetween the two, while Ash just laughed out loud.

"Man, you're such a scaredy cat!"

Yu just rolled his eyes but the redness of his cheeks revealed that he was very embarrassed.

"What were you doing up this early anyway" she asked after calming down from her laughing strike.
Yu just pointed at the door from the kitchen. "You were making breakfast? Cool, but that doesn't answer why you were even here."

Yu sighed and slowly whispered that he just woke up early.
Ash looked at him scepticly but dropped the topic, for Yu's delight. "Fine then, I'll be eating your breakfast now. Oh and don't wake mom up just yet, she likes to sleep long." She said and turned to the kitchen. Yu nodded, even though she wasn't able to see him anymore.

He turned back towards the stairs and headed up to their room. Once back in his comfortable bed, he pulled out his phone and wrote a message to Marco. They knew that their friend wouldn't read the message until it was evening but they just couldn't sit still. They had to tell someone about the dream.
Yu had learned from experience that often, when he had such weird and realistic dreams, it meant more then it seemed at first.
He didn't know why exactly it happened or how, he just noticed that anytime they would have these dreams that something unusual happened. Sometimes it was good and sometimes... not so much.

They didn't like to think back to that time. Shaking their head they got back to what they were originally doing, which was writing to Marco.

"Hey, I woke up very early today, which was probably because I had one of those dreams again..."
He wrote before closing their phone again and leaning their back against the forest green wall next to his bed. 'I wonder what that dream wanted to tell me' he asked himself while staring at the ceiling.

When they felt like they had stared at the ceiling for long enough they sat up again and went to their desk. They were about to open their laptop when they saw their sketchbook laying open on the desk. 'Weird' he thought. He normally never lets his sketchbook lay open and exposed like that, what if someone saw? That would be embarrassing.

Not thinking much of it, they closed the book and pushed it to the side. They then grabbed their laptop and opened it. They went to their searching browser and searched for schools in their local area. They soon got results and then went on to picking out the most appealing ones. There weren't that many, since the house was literally located in the middle of the woods, but it was enough.

There was one school that caught Yu's interest. It was a school that was based around arts and math. Yu wasn't the best at math but he really loved art, and all the other schools focused more on language and sports which Yu both hated with passion. He wrote down the name and address of the school before closing his laptop again and staring out of his window and into the woods. It was almost noon now, and the sun was almost completely covered by thick grey clouds. 'Looks like it will rain today' thought the young teen, as he stared out of the window. He liked the rain, it had a kinda calming effect on him. They loved how the rain would hit their skin when they were outside, or how the raindrops fell agains the windows of the house, just to roll down on them, like tears. He loved the smell, the fresh smell of dirt and grass and a few flowers.

The rain was even better when the sun shone through the clouds, bathing everything in a yellow light. If you looked from the right angles you could see a rainbow in the sky. Those were the best times, and Yu loved it. He loved how his hands felt like they could fall off at anytime while his heart felt as warm as ever. He could still remember how his mom would scold him when he came back inside all wet and shivering. She would run him a bath and make him take it, if he wanted or not. She would then alway wash his hair with so gentle movements while massaging his scalp and giving him a clap on the forehead.

Yu didn't register a tear rolling down their face until it fell on his hand that was laying in his lap. He slowly brought it up to wipe the tears that were now flowing freely down his pale cheeks. Taking a slow shaky breath, they stood up to go to the bathroom to brush their teeth, because they forgot to do it I'm the morning. They went through the hallway from the second floor and towards the bathroom as their gaze got locked on a portrait. It was a portrait of a boy with dark brown, almost black locks and a tan skin. Yu felt like something was up with the portrait, it was strangely familiar. Ignoring the thoughts he continued his way towards the bathroom. The dream from last night must've confused his memory somehow.


~1481 words

Hi again :)

I hope you liked the chapter and that it wasn't too boring :))

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