Chapter seven

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Silence. Yu stared at Ash wide eyed, did he wake her up? And how did she know about this room?

"You gonna answer my question?" She asked tilting her head at him. Yu just continued to stare at her, as if she was the most weird alien that he'd ever seen. Ash sighed and moved into the room closing the door behind her back.
"Listen, I know that this room is... weird to say the least. We thought so too as we discovered it. It seems to not exist during the day but in the night it's as visible as ever." She looked him in the eyes, something serious was glistening in the expression. "But I gotta know, what are you doing here?" She asked again.

Yu averted his eyes and stared at the floor. It apparently looked very interesting in that moment. Ash sighed as she realized that she won't be getting anything out of the younger one's mouth.
"Fine then, don't talk. But you should really get some sleep, it's 4 am after all."

Yu was surprised. It was already 4 am? Has he really been in here for that long? But then another question came to his mind, hat would happen if he stayed in this room 'till daytime? The room isn't visible during the day so would he just disappear for a day? Maybe Ash knew, since she also knew some things about this room.
Yu took a deep breath and looked Ash in the eyes. "What... what would happen, if you stayed in here 'till day?" He whispered his answer.

Ash looked at him and then at the ceiling. "I've asked myself this many times" she said "and to be honest I don't have an answer. I once tried to stay in here for a day but I ended up falling asleep and when I woke up again I was in my room.I asked Beth the next day if she carried me in my bed, but she said that she's leapt the whole night like a rock."

Yu nodded, to show her that he understood. They studied the features of the girl in front of them. Her eyes looked almost black in this light and her hair was put in a messy bun that looked like it could fall apart anytime. They thought about the story she just told him. Maybe she was just sleepwalking. But then something else came to their mind. That one night, after he looked through their old sketches, he fell asleep. He remembered that the anime was shut off and that something or someone, carried them to their bed. He didn't ask Beth if she did it he thought it was clear that she had to be it, but now he wasn't so sure anymore. Should he tell Ash about it? It would probably be better if he did, since she experienced something similar.

He took a deep breath, alerting Ash. She looked at him questioningly, waiting for him to say something. This was something that made her very sympathetic, she didn't push him to talk, and didn't ask why he didn't talk, she just let him be and that made him feel very comfortable. He felt like he could tell her anything, without judging him or having to find a solution right away.

"I experienced something similar" he started slowly. Ash nodded at him, telling him to continue. "I fell asleep after looking at my sketches, but before that I heard someone shutting off my laptop and Carrie got me in my bed. That... that wasn't you by any chances?" He asked unsurely.

Ash looked at him with wide eyes. "Really?" She exclaimed after a while, "did it feel like a girl or a boy?" She asked. Yu was silent for a minute, startled by her sudden outburst. She didn't seem tired anymore.
"Uuh..." he slowly answered, " I'm not sure, I was half asleep after all" Ash seemed to loose a bit of her energy.
"But I don't recall feeling boobs or anything like that." He quickly said after, trying to cheer her up.

"I see... do you think it could be a ghost that is roaming this house for eternity, trying to get revenge?", she said while making weird movements with her hands.
"Uuuhhhh no...? I mean... why would it tuck me into bed then?"
"Hm, you've got a point" she reached her hand up to play with her hair, something she seemed to do every time she had to think. She whispered some 'what else could it be's and stared down at the floor. At that moment the door creaked revealing a tired looking Beth in her sleeping gown yawning. "I don't mind you staying up for a slumber party, but please keep it down, I'm trying to sleep." She said looking at the two teen slowly with half lifetime eyes.

"Of course mom" Ash replied quickly. "Yu jus told me that he experienced something similar to my experience. You know, the whole waking up in your bed when you actually fell asleep in a different place."
"Oh well, that really if a mystery that needs to be solved. But for now please go to bed, or at least try to." Beth said sending a tired smile towards the two teens.
"Alright" Ash replied while getting up from her position on the floor.

Yu too got up and brushed the dust off of his pants. He went to hang the guitar back to its place on the wall as Ash spoke up again "you can just take it with you, if you want! I don't think that the scary spook ghost will mind, and you're also pretty good at playing. It would be nice to have someone play for us again."
She looked away at the last sentence, as if remembering something that happened a while ago. Shaking her head she looked at Yu again with a smile.
"I'll be off now, you should go too." And with that she went up the stairs and into her room. The quiet 'click' of the door closing was the last thing that Yu heard from her.

Beth also went upstairs and was already at the end of the stairs as she turned around to look at Yu again. "I hope you know that you're very welcome here." She spoke very unexpectedly.
Yu's confusion must've been visible in his face, because not too soon after Beth spoke up again.
"I didn't mean to confuse you, but you looked so out of place when you first arrived here. I hope that Ash and I haven't made a bad impression, and that we didn't leave you too much alone." She smiled at Yu.

"Thank you"

The two words were so quiet ha Beth almost didn't hear them. But she did, she also heated the small crack in the votive of those teen that was standing there, at the both of the stairs lookin at the floo as if he was afraid what Beth would say.

"Oh please, it's nothing to that me for, I just want to make you as comfortable as possible" she said with a warm motherly smile.
Yu slowly looked up a her, his yes were filled with unshed tears. He didn't know himself why he was almost crying, but maybe p, just maybe, it was because he never had such a motherly influence, that this heart warming scene was just too much for them.

"Oh dear please, I didn't mean to make you cry" that woman that was standing at the top of the dark stairs was now coming down to him, pulling him in a warm hug.
"It's okay dear, it's okay" she whispered near his ear, trying to calm the shaking teen down as much as she could.

Yu sniffled and slowly looked up at the woman in front of him again. "Can I call you mom?" He slowly asked, very unsure if they weren't moving too fast with the whole mother-kid thing. This was just a hug after all. His thought were yet again stopped by the gasp of Beth. "Of course you can!" She said happily, pressing the skinny body of the teen even more against her chest. "You don't know how much this means to me." She said.

Yu smiled at her. He finally had a mom again, someone he could rely on, he could tell all of his thoughts to and someone who would support them, no matter what.

~1418 words

Hello my dear readers. This chapter was a bit longer then my other ones and I'm kinda proud of that.
Tbh writing this part got a tear or two out of my eyes... ima sucker for cute mother-kid relationships, yes.
Anygay, I hope you're all feeling well and ate an drank something today.


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