Chapter four

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By the time Yu had spoken with Beth about the school, and to wich he preferred to go to, it was already Monday. Well, it was more like Beth asked him questions and he answered by nodding or shaking his head or, sometimes also by writing down things that he wanted to say.

He was now sitting in his room again, sketching in his sketchbook, not really knowing what he was drawing. They just let their hands do whatever they felt like doing.

After about ten minutes he started to see what was being sketched on the slightly brown paper of his book. It was a face of a boy, who looked to be around Yu's age and had dark coloured hair. The boy seemed strangely familiar, but Yu couldn't remember seeing him anywhere in his life.

It was a strange feeling. It was like as if they knew so many things about this boy and yet couldn't remember him. He felt weirded out.

What was happening to him? What was that? Was it just some sort of dejavu?

If it really just was a dejavu then it felt more intense then the usual ones. Yu tried to shake the thought off and tried to reoccupie himself with drawing, this time he made sure that he won't be ending up with a portrait of a boy that he knew, and yet didn't knew.

He was just about to put his pencil back on the paper as he got interrupted by a loud knock on the door. It wasn't the gentle knock, like Beth's, it was more like an aggressive pounding on the door that you would use to wake somebody up from a deep eternal slumber.

The teen stood up with a sigh and went towards the door. He opened it just to be greeted by none other then the great Ash.
The caramel colored girl gave Yu a smile.

"Hey!" She said, sounding way more happy and alive then the day before where she looked half dead.

Yu looked at her, raising their eyebrow, as If to ask her why exactly she was in front of his door.

"Oh right! My mom said that she made you an appointment with the headmaster of the school you were interested in. She told me that I should tell you, because it might excite you." She said scratching her neck in embarrassment. Her sleeve rolled up in the process, revealing a row of scars that were scattered along her forearm.

Yu's eyes widened a bit, before he pulled the, away from the girl's arm. She definitely didn't want him to see this, they might be older and fading, but that didn't mean that she was comfortable talking about it.

They looked at Ash again and nodded, signaling for her that he understood and so she would leave them alone again. She understood and returned the awkward nod, before leaving the white haired teen in the doorframe, going into another room across from them, which Yu believed must've been her own bedroom.

Shaking their head to get rid of all the thoughts he turned around and went back into their room, quietly shutting the door behind them. They weren't in the mood to sketch or draw something anymore, so they were left with the choice of either, going through their sketchbook to redraw some old sketches, or, watch some dumb show on his computer.

Of course, since he's untrustworthy with decisions, he decided for both. Which meant that he was now sitting in his chair in front of his computer, watching some weird anime, while slowly but surely going through his older sketches.

Some of their sketches were plainly awful and looked like a preschooler had drawn them with a piece of Cole, but some had potential.
There was one of a girl sitting in a field, while the trees and mountains around her were all breaking down. At least that was what Yu saw. The sketch could've been almost anything, since it was very rough and simply just a very fast drawn sketch.

They were on the fifth episode by now, but were barely paying attention, as the character stirred out some incomprehensible words. Instead, they kept on going through their sketches.

There was something comforting about going through some quickly drawn artwork and trying to redraw what you saw. It was almost therapy-like since It was quite easy to re-use their old artwork from their book and turning it into a new work, with different but yet similar meaning.

This wasn't the first time that they did this, they tended to always do it when something completely new is happening, or simply when they felt stressed out.

Sighing, he turned yet another page of their book, as he saw a sketch he had no memory of doing. Yes, there were some very old sketches in the book, so it wasn't that illogical that he couldn't remember a sketch, but he was in the newer ones by now.

He could remember drawing the sketch before this one after he arrived here, at this house, but he couldn't recall ever, drawing this one particular sketch. Also because he tended to draw landscapes more then portraits or even whole people.

The sketch was a portrait of a boy, with darker hair and a tan-looking skin. Yu couldn't tell, because it was a sketch made with a only a pencil, so there was a lack of color. Still, Yu could tell that the boy looked good. His dark hair slightly falling over his eyes, causing them to be only partial visible, and his smile, that looked like it could light up a whole room.

Yu had to slap his cheeks to snap out of their simping state. He couldn't simp over a drawing that they made themselves. A drawing they had no memory of doing, but had to be theirs, since no one else had access to the sketchbook.

With an exaggerated sigh, he slumped back into his chair staring at the ceiling. The anime was still playing in the background, half forgotten by the teen. To them, it was only a qiet buzzing sound, that calmed them down, letting them forget about their thoughts for a short while.

It wasn't for long, but that short time was enough to let Yu slip into a small slumber. He normally wouldn't allow himself to fall, asleep that easily, but this time it had to be an exception. Even if not, they couldn't do anything about it now anyways.

But, before he was completely unconscious, he faintly heared his computer being shut down and the anime stopped. It must've been Beth or her aunt, who came to check on them, who else could it be?


~1131 words

Hey, it's me again!
I hope you liked the chapter and that it wasn't too boring. I try  to get the story to progress in a way, that's not too fast, but also not too long, so please tell me if you want it to go faster or slower :3

Anygay... Sys ;)

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