Preparing for the choice

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"Pepper, If anyone makes you uncomfortable like that, I want you to shout for me." He told me, hugging me close. He's told me that about 5 times, twice before he fell asleep and now 3 times since he woke up.

I had been worried Frederick was going to feed from me, Alex dosen't seem to want to let me go. I guess Frederick wasn't actually a good person.

"The plan will involve you coming out for a short time, I don't want you being around him any longer then that. You'll choose the surrogate and that's all" he told me, carrying me in his arms.

I huffed, I can walk. Why does he want to carry me around? Though he's warm and gentle, it's better then rushing to keep up. After wriggling around and trying to get him to let me walk, I relaxed and just accepted his hold.

He walked around the castle and finally set me down outside to feel the grass between my toes. I liked the air, it's better then being stuck in a cold room. There's no Frederick to scare me either.

We spent the next two days relaxing, I liked having time with him again. Eating together, listening to him stress about the coming choice. It doesn't sound like he knows who to choose.

Though he's sounded mad at times, he's very quick to change his tone to something softer. I like this better.

It was very unnerving how on edge he seemed though, I can tell pretty well. I'm used to seeing my parents on edge, it's a familiar look to me.

The next day he left the room early, leaving me tiredly sitting on the bed with a plate of pancakes. I got up to continue drawing and looked up as he entered.

"Hey! The surrogates are here having breakfast, Pepper, do you want to meet them? I forgot they'd be staying in the castle." He exclaimed, seeming like he'd rushed upstairs.

"Ok" I agreed, I just hope they don't try to feed from me while they eat. He led me down the halls and we entered a loud room. The women fell quiet as they saw us, smiling softly.

"I... Um... I'm sorry for interrupting. This here is my sweet pet Pepper. I was hoping today we could allow her to get to know you all. As she'll be helping me decide" He explained. They looked to each other in surprise.

"Of course" they agreed, nodding along. Some seeming a bit worried. He motioned to me, he seems a little uncomfortable with all these woman staring.

"Go on Pepper, say hi" he whispered, I pouted a little, I'm not used to speaking in front of a lot of people. I grabbed his shirt and buried my head against him. He stroked my head softly and chuckled.

"Sorry ladies, it seems Pepper has stage fright" he explained, I let him go and looked to everyone waving to them. They had plates of delicious foods lined in front of them.

"Hey Pepper, I'm Stella" greeted one, she giggled and shook her head, she must find this whole thing crazy, I do to.

"Oh I'm Crystal, I hope you've had a pleasant morning" stammered another.

"May I ask prince, why is your pet helping decide?" Asked one, he sighed and ruffled my hair.

"Because she's my darling pet, and I want to make sure, if I'm going to have someone around, even just for surrogacy, that she is comfortable with them, she's been rather mistreated by her parents" he explained. I shuffled a little, wanting to go back to our room.

I couldn't keep up with all the names, there were 5 girls, each seeming more or less concerned with the whole situation.

Susan, Hannah, Brie... How will I remember who's who?

He stroked his fingers through my hair and seemed nervous.

"Is there anything else you wish for us to do with her?" Asked Stella. I swallowed, I don't know if I can deal with that. I squeaked as he lifted me and cuddled me close.

"Um, maybe later, I just want to spend my time with her" he mumbled, quickly leaving.

"Can we get a new book please?" I asked quietly, cringing slightly, scared he'd tell me off for asking again.

"Of course, you can always ask, you know that" he explained. I frowned and shook my head.

"Not always" I mumbled as we entered the library.

"I'm sorry I was a bad owner Pepper" he mumbled, kissing my forehead.

I snuggled into him and let him pick the book.

"I know this whole thing will be intense for you. So maybe a cute wedding story will help get you encouraged by the idea" he said, he carried me to bed and cuddled around me. He didn't start reading like I'd hoped.

"Master?" I asked quietly, he sighed and cuddled me tighter.

"My poor Pepper. Nobody will hurt you, later you can slowly meet and get to know the ladies, but I'm not very confident honestly, I know to make a child I'll need to..." His voice trailed off and he groaned in frustration, I tensed slightly.

"This isn't a topic to discuss around you, sorry Pepper, I'll stop talking" he chuckled, nuzzling my cheek and opening the book. I'm glad he's no longer being firm and demanding of me, I don't like being scared of my Master when he gives such nice hugs.

He's not like mum or dad at all, which is strange to me. He's not like they said an owner will be.

"Do you like cuddling me Master?" I asked quietly, yawning and laying in his arms as he quietly continued reading.

"You're my pet Pepper, of course I like cuddling you. It's just that I'll have a lover to cuddle soon enough and if he's the perfect choice, we can squeeze you into our cuddles. Hopefully they don't mind pets on beds" laughed Master, I rested my head against him.

"Will it be Frederick?" I asked, I know he now makes master angry.

"It will never be that sick, twisted asshole" he assured, stroking me as I began to drift into sleep.

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