Lost in a castle

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The puzzle he gave me was fun. It was a fair bit difficult for me, I needed to find my way through multiple mazes. I would press a button and the board shuffled. I would roll a marble by tilting the board.

I stopped as the door opened and Alex yawned into his hand as he stepped in.

"Hello Pepper" he greeted, I found myself smiling at him.

"Hi" I mumbled in response. He smiled and opened the cage.

"Wait" he said. I stopped and watched him, he smiled as the cage stayed open and I waited.

"Why am I waiting?" I asked, he shook his head and didn't respond.

"Alright, come to my side" he instructed, I huffed, now understanding.

Now that I know what training is, it bores me. I know how to listen to what I'm told. I did so and stood beside him.

He patted me and handed me two candies. I guess they make it worth it. They're delicious and melt sweetly on my tongue.

He sat on the bed and I followed him, bringing over my sketchbook to draw beside him. He picked it up and I whined at him.

"Hey! Give that back" I whined, he chuckled and pressed me against his side as I failed to reach up and grab it. He flipped through the pictures and nodded.

"They look good! You're getting good at this" he told me, I paused and looked at him. I'm used to my drawings being mocked and hated. He set it on my lap and laughed.

"Oh shoot. I was supposed to..." He began, jumping up and moving to the door. I moved after him, I can't even explain why I did. It felt normal to follow him, that I just instinctively did so.

He was much faster. I caught the door and stepped out, it shut behind me with a click. He vanished down the hall and I ran after him.

"Wait! Master!" I called, and he didn't seem to hear or notice me as he vanished into another hall. I paused and looked around.

Where even was I?

Nervousness set in now. What were his rules again? I couldn't recall them in my anxious state. I stood frozen in a hallway.

I just needed to find Alex and then I can go back to drawing.

I wandered slowly down the hall he had gone somewhere and I was moving slowly.

It's a big place with red carpets and grey walls. The lights were pretty and fancy. I lost myself staring at a painting of a vampire smiling widely.

I looked at the obvious fangs and thought about feeders. I hadn't known they were real. It would be so scary being bitten.

I walked my way back and forth in the hallway before coming to the uncomfortable truth that I was a little lost.

"Where are the feeders? I need to top up" asked someone, I looked around in confusion and couldn't see anyone, so I pressed against the wall nervously.

"Ah, I can have one brought up for you. They have gone to bed, but I'm certain one will be awake enough" came another voice. I held my breath as footsteps moved around, to my luck they didn't come through my hall.

I needed to find Alex and go back to our room.

I waited quietly, hoping I'd hear Alex's voice and call to him. I didn't call now, worried some stranger would come instead.

"It's late Miss June" whined a tired voice.

"A quick top up and you can go back to bed" promised the lady I guess must be Miss June.

I peaked around the corner and watched a tired man tower over a tired human man. The human offered his wrist lazily.

The tired man seemed very rough as he grabbed the humans arm and sunk his fangs into the humans wrist and began suckling.

I gulped and hurried down the hall. I stopped and tried to recognise my place, some flower pots seemed familiar and so I walked to a different area. It was the massive hall!

In my excitement I ran down a random hall before running back as soon as I saw servants talking.

I went a different way and walked quietly up some stairs and down another hall.

This one seemed familiar.

I walked back and forward, trying to figure out which room was his. Until one door opened and he stepped out. I hurried over before stopping, seeing the dissapointed look on his face.

"You know the rules I told you, do I need to repeat them?" He asked. I lowered my head and shook it, I remember them now. I'm not supposed to leave the room.

"I followed you" I mumbled, my heart raced and my mind screamed danger.

He held the door opened and pointed to the room.

I hesitated and eyed him nervously.

"I never asked you to follow me. You should have stayed Pepper" he reminded me. His voice firm and I worried that he'd step closer and grab me.

"Pepper" he said a little more firmly. I hesitated and tip toed inside, keeping distance from him.

"Don't start crying, you broke the rules" he stated, I hadn't even realised some fearful tears had leaked down my face.

I didn't mean to, I was just trying to follow and stay by his side. I couldn't tell him that, forced into silence by my trembling lips.

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