🌼Gems cut🌼

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🌼 Prince Alex's point of view 🌼

The first day we were supposed to hang out, Jeff decided he wanted some alone time to catch up on his reading.

I spent that day laying on bed with Pepper who enjoyed herself drawing and colouring. I fell asleep to the sound of her pencil scratching paper.

Atleast the next day he was actually ready. He ignored me mostly, looking around the castle in boredom. I really wished I had the ability to teach him how to show some manners.

"Hopefully tomorrow I'll see your charming side" I mumbled as I left him, entering my room and cuddling my squirming Pepper closely.

"Tomorrow you can come with me, I'm sure you'll be more entertaining" I exclaimed, she gave a frustrated huff and I laughed as I fell asleep holding her tight.

The next day we met up, I led Pepper, she huffed and walked behind us.

"Slow down" she whined, she's such a lazy, cute thing. I decided to ignore her, more intrigued with walking with Jeff.

"Tell me, what do you like eating?" I asked him, he shrugged as Pepper whined behind us.

I stopped and handed him the leash. He scowled at me and glanced back at Pepper who was glaring at us. Silly thing, just because I wasn't letting her be lazy.

He finally grabbed the leash and slowed down his walking slightly. I can't blame him, she's adorable.

"Come on! There has to be something!" I complained, hating this. Pepper grew louder and suddenly a massive thump sounded behind us. We both turned around, she had managed to unclip the leash and was whimpering on the floor.

"Pepper? Are you ok?" I exclaimed, feeling my heart jump to my throat. My poor baby is crying. I ignored Jeff who followed us into the bedroom, standing away from us.

I examined her head and shoulder for bruises. Her neck seemed to be what was upsetting her, did she hurt her neck when she hit the floor?

I went to grab the buckle and paused a wet warmth on my hand, I slowed down my approach and gently unclipped it.

"I'm sorry, please don't" she whimpered, I shushed her and peeled the collar slowly, I struggled slightly as if felt like it was stuck in her skin. She gasped and I held her close as I peeled it off.

The gems had dug into her skin and sliced at it, even below her chin. I cradled her close and begged her to forgive me. The collar hit the floor, that rotten thing hurt my baby.

"Jeff! Press that button by the door! She needs a first aid kit" I demanded, he did so and stared at us.

"Why do you care for her? How can someone like you care?" Demanded Jeff, I ignored him. Pepper needs me now, I messed up, I shouldn't have gone with the gems. I had just thought they'd look cute on her, I didn't think they could harm her!

"You didn't realise you were harming her? That's bullshit" grumbled Jeff.

"If you're so wise, why didn't you tell me?!" I growled, sending a warning through my gaze.

"Ah yes. I'm going to tell a prince, how to treat his pet" mumbled Jeff, a servant appeared, Jeff spoke to them while I reassured my crying girl.

Not long later a first aid kit was brought in. I quickly cleaned up the blood and bandaged her. Admittedly once the blood was gone, it didn't look nearly as bad. Just several grazes and scratches where the gems dug in the most.

She whimpered and clung to me. I rocked her protectively. Jeff moved in and sat beside us.

"Why do you hate me?" I questioned, he sighed and shook his head.

"I don't. I just didn't want to win some selfish assholes heart. Like you're not what I thought, but you aren't my type" he mumbled.

"So that whole asking to fuck thing was to put me off?" I asked kissing my girls head softly.

"No. I thought that's what you wanted from all your suitors. Just sex. Thought if I gave you bad enough sex, you'd avoid me" laughed Jeff.

"Ok. I don't appreciate being considered an asshole. Though I don't understand why you'd do this if you didn't like me?" I questioned, nearly freaking out as Pepper went limp. Luckily she'd just fallen asleep to my rocking.

"Easy. I wanted to appease my parents. It's alot easier to say that I didn't win as a suitor, then I didn't even apply" he explained I nodded and groaned, he smirked and grabbed my chin.

"Though if you're still up for sex" he said softly, his lips close to mine.

"Consent please! Besides I have a patient" I scoffed, laying her head on the pillow. Blushing as his breath warmed my ear.

"When I'm done with you, you'll be the patient" he teased, I paused thoughtfully, deciding to ruin his teasing mood.

"So rapey, or kinky?" I asked, he squinted at me before smiling. He wriggled his eyebrows and licked his lips. Ok he is hot.

"You should beg to find out" he mumbled, I blushed and pushed him away.

"Quit winding me up. I am a devoted pet parent" I scoffed, he raised his eyebrows and moved away.

"Ok Daddy dearest. I know humans are great, but it's still an animal. You aren't it's parent" he teased, I glared at him and he shut his mouth.

She's my little Pepper, I can be a pet parent if I want to.

"So that's a no to sex?" He questioned I sighed and gestured to my slight tent.

"You got me all excited, that's rude of you, taking this anywhere, it's to your room. We'll see who controls the bedroom" I scoffed kissing my pets head softly and marching towards the door.

I'll show this man his punishment for winding me up, then we'll see who really dominates the bedroom.

The Vampire prince's Suitors And PetOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora