Drawings and friends

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"Alex! How are you?" Called a new voice. I looked around in confusion, uncomfortable from sitting on the cobblestone ground.

Prince Alex groaned and pressed his palm against his forehead.

"Callum! Quit sneaking in, I told you that so many times" groaned Prince Alex, laughter came around the other side of the water fountain and a man walked around.

His brown hair wild and long, tied up into a ponytail, his blue eyes seemed to be bright in the sunlight.

"Can't I miss my best mate?" Asked Callum, a cheeky smile on his face.

"Callum, we've been over this. I am going to be king. People and my parents will not respond well to our friendship" mumbled Alex.

Callum sighed and looked at me, smiling brightly. He rushed over and picked me off the ground with ease. Though startled, I didn't actually feel threatened.

"My oh my, you weren't lying that you were going to rebel and get a human. She's adorable" gushed Callum, I tilted my head and squinted into his eyes.

"Hi. Put me down" I said, he laughed good heartedly, placing me on the ground, I was happy to feel the rock beneath my feet. I have nothing against being held, a pet is my purpose in life, but his hands are surprisingly rough and firm.

"What's the girls name?" He asked, glancing at Alex as he went back to examining me.

"I've named her Pepper. Callum, you shouldn't be here" stated Alex, giving his friend an exasperated look.

"I get it. I'm poor, I'm a werewolf. You're literally a prince, people will judge you. I just like hanging with you. I miss it" mumbled Callum, standing up and sitting besides Alex.

"I miss it to. Stop sneaking in here, I don't want you to get caught. I have much I need to do, and I can't look out for you here while I'm so busy. While I look for someone to carry my future child and pick my future husband." Explained Alex, resting his hand on the saddened werewolf's shoulder.

"But Alex I.... I... Nevermind, I'll see you again princey, I must be gone before someone sees us" mumbled Callum, seeming lost for words as he hurried off.

Alex seemed down, he stood up and walked sluggishly back to the castle. His movements didn't even seem made to make me feel better.

We went back into the room and he unclipped the collar. He glanced at me before looking away, far to distracted now.

"We'll meet next week's suitor tomorrow, so let's just relax in here" he mumbled. I grabbed my drawing stuff and slowly approached him.

I know my parents wouldn't want me daring to get on his bed without permission, yet I want somewhere soft.

I stood a bit off from his bed, holding the pencils and book against my gut, he had sat down. It's much different being put on the bed, that's because he wants me there, I don't know about now.

Slowly I sat onto the bed and watched him, resting the book on my lap as I slowly began to draw.

"What are you doing?" He asked, I stammered slightly and looked to the floor.

"Drawing" I mumbled, shrinking a little in anxiousness.

"On my bed?" He asked, snatching the book from my lap with ease, I gaped at it.

"Hey!!! I was using that!" I exclaimed, trying to grab it back. He chuckled and moved away, examining my messy drawings.

"Not to bad. You colour out of the lines alot but I can tell what each thing is" he said, I felt hot with embarrassment. No one has praised my drawings before, my father would rip them up, how do I react to this?

I crawled over and desperately tried to grab it, he lifted it higher just as I almost grabbed it and I fell upon him. He laughed at that, my chin on his chest and body sprawled between his legs. I scowled.

"Please! Please don't ruin it" I begged, feeling frozen now. Mother said a good pet doesn't make a scene.

He examined me now, looking confused. He pulled me up a little higher and left a small kiss on my forehead.

"Why would I do that? Pepper, it's your book, I won't ruin it" he mumbled, putting the book down by his side, he trapped me in a hug.

I froze, unsure what to do. What am I supposed to do when someone hugs me? I couldn't help from burrowing into the warmth, relieved from the coldness of the room.

He sat up and began stroking my hair softly.

"Prince Alex, thank you" I mumbled, he chuckled, I could feel his chest move with the sound.

"My pet, call me Lord or Master." He told me, I sighed, happy to have something else to call him. I pressed my face into his shirt.

Hugs are quite nice. He's very warm. I yawned and pressed against him more, relaxing into his grip.

"You'll have a bath tomorrow morning while I get ready for the meeting." He explained, I only nodded against him.

We stayed like that for a while longer before he moved me away, I whined and reached for him unconsciously. He laughed and lay me beside him.

He stood and headed for the bathroom.

"I'll bathe myself now. Food should be soon. Tell them I told you, to say to just leave the food on the serving cart in here. If they don't believe you, just tell them to ask me in the bathroom." He explained, standing up and heading for the bathroom.

I sighed and waited, the food soon arriving like he promised.

An unknown servant entered and pushed the cart in. I watched them look around in confusion.

"You need to leave the cart in here while he's having a bath" I told the grey eyed man, he scrutinised me and knocked on the bathroom door.

"No one listens to me" I mumbled, slowly shuffling off the bed.

"Yes! Leave the food. I wont be long" shouted Prince Alex, making sure he was heard.

"Of course." Responded the servant, I scowled at them as they left and retrieved myself a plate. I ate and drank quickly, to tired and hungry to worry about if I accidentally grabbed his food.

I returned to my warm spot on the bed and curled up, hugging the book protectively against me.

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