Chapter Eighteen

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𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃, 𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐃. But no one would listen. After all, it was for her safety.

"Camila! Stop it! You can't go out--"

"Let me go! I want to see him, please!" she begged, but her cousin wouldn't budge. Allison hated seeing her like this, crying and breaking down as if she's about to die.

"Camila, hey calm down. Listen to me!" she snapped, "Just listen to me!"

Camila stared at her cousin who was blocking the way out of the dressing room. After that huge announcement, after Gabriel witnessed all of those, how could she calm down? Everything's now messed up.

Everything was already messy. What happened earlier only made it worse.

"Hey, hey..." Camila fell down on her knees as Allison took a grip on both her shoulders. Camila cried silently as her breaths started to grow heavier and heavier. Her chest started to feel compressed, while her head began to throb.

"Camila..." Allison teared up as she pulled her into a tight hug. She hated seeing her like this. It felt terrible.

"Allison, please," she whispered, "Let me follow him, I need to talk to him..."

"I'm sorry, Camila," Allison pulled away, "You can't. It's too dangerous for you to go out right now," she spoke, staring right through the broken windows of her cousin's soul. She noticed how tired she was, how stressed and lost her cousin was.

"Gabriel..." Camila whispered before she felt her eyelids closing. Within a second, her vision went black and she was already on her cousin's arms.

"Camila? Hey-" Allison panicked when her cousin lost consciousness, "Camila!"

Maybe she's just tired? That's it, Allison! She's fine... she just needs to rest!

Allison took a few deep breaths before grabbing her phone from the table beside her. Trying to calm herself down, she wiped her tears before gently tapping on Camila's arm.

"Good, you're here. She's still unconscious."

"Where is she? Is she okay? What happened?" Oliver bombarded Allison with questions as soon as he entered the hotel room. Allison's brows furrowed in confusion, since when did Oliver begin to care for her cousin so much?

"I think she's just tired. Maybe she just needs to rest. She may have been shocked earlier when Gabriel suddenly entered the scene," she pushed her thoughts away, following Oliver who was already on his way to the bed that Camila was lying on.

Oliver didn't answer. Instead, he sat beside the unconscious Camila while scanning her face.

"Ah, let me take this call." Allison spoke when her phone suddenly rang, "Hey, babe... Sorry I couldn't answer your calls..." It was her boyfriend who was calling. She went outside the balcony, leaving Oliver and Camila alone.

Oliver gently stroked her cheek, silently admiring her beauty.

Inside his mind, he knew it was wrong to like her. But he couldn't help it. She was his best friend's girlfriend...

"I'm sorry," he whispered, "I'm sorry you have to go through this..."

Ever since they were forced to meet secretly, Oliver always carried one goal with him.

And it was to make Camila smile. To make her happy.

At first, it was for Gabriel... but as time passed, it eventually became his personal goal. He notices even the smallest details about her. Being able to make her smile and laugh became his greatest achievement.

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