Chapter Twelve

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𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 with the person you like the most would be one of the moments you'll forever cherish in your Heart. As for Camila, it was already School Season. Last Summer was undeniably precious for her. 

Especially that one roadtrip they had.

“Are you sure that we won't get in trouble?” Camila asked as she buckled her seatbelt. She just entered Gabriel's car.

“Yes, I wouldn't be here if they didn't allow me.” Gabriel said, turning the keys to start the engine.

“Ah, right. Where are we going again?” she asked, turning her gaze to Gabriel whose eyes were glued on the road. There weren't many cars, just several trees and rice fields lined up on each side. A typical provincial road.

“Hmm, I don't know.” Gabriel glanced at her for a second, “Maybe a little roadtrip around the Island of Marinduque?”

That'd be a great idea! Driving around the Island of Marinduque? Even Camila doesn't know the way around. Luckily, there are apps designed to guide your way. Trying something new had always been at the top of her bucket list.

“Shall we roll the windows down and turn the music on?” Gabriel smirked, his dimples slightly appearing. Camila nodded enthusiastically as she untied her hair and wore her sunglasses.

Gabriel then turned the music up after rolling down all the windows to let the fresh air in. It would've been more fun if the car was open and roofless. He turned off the airconditioner as he focused on the road, still vibing with Camila who was already recording the greeneries they passed by.

“Are you having fun, Yuna-ssi?” Gabriel raised his voice as he asked that. Camila then turned her gaze back to him, her Rosy lips forming a huge smile.

“Fun? I'm having a blast!” she giggled. Gabriel was shocked. It was his first time seeing her this hyper. 

“Good to know.” he whispered behind a smile. He reached for her hand, his left still on the wheel.

He interlocked their fingers while his eyes never left the road. Flustered, Camila couldn't help but bite her lower lip to hide a smile. His hands were warm and soft. 

Camila stole a shot from him who was busy driving. Then, she took a shot from their interlocked hands. 

The weather was lovely. The Sun was up, soft and thin clouds passing by, fresh wind dancing every crop planted, and Carabaos helping every farmers harvest their plants.

They passed by a small village too. The streets were lively. Youngsters playing tag, luksong baka, tumbang preso, and several more traditional Filipino outdoor games. Fathers busy on chopping wood, crafting furnitures, or harvesting crops. Meanwhile, mothers were busy doing every house chores: cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, and their everyday routine; Teaching their children some lessons.

“Filipinos really are energetic. It seems like they never get tired.” Gabriel chuckled, making Camila scoff.

“Oh, please. Teens these days always gets tired without even doing anything. Procrastinating all day, all night! But of course, not generalizing. I mean, hospitable and diligent Filipinos, yes we exist.” 

“I don't think you're one of them.” Gabriel mockingly smiled at her. Camila then harshly pulled her hand back, but Gabriel was obviously stronger on holding on.

“I was joking.” he laughed, but Camila acted like she didn't hear anything.

“Hey, talk to me.” Gabriel caressed her hand. She still didn't budge. She was keeping herself busy by scrolling down her phone. 

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