24: Ends Bring Beginnings

Comenzar desde el principio

“Did you need something?” She asks slightly too loud. 

“First, I know that you’re enjoying being loud and I’m very glad that you have that ability but right now, we need to be quiet.” I state, lowering my voice to a whisper. She nods. “Second, did Tío Bruno make it out okay?” Instead of answering me, she pulls me down into the bushes next to us where soft muttering can be heard. It takes a minute of crawling around but we find Tío hunched over, talking to his rats. 

Tío, you have a visitor.” Dolores tells him softly and he turns. He smiles the purest of smiles when he sees me, eyes becoming shiny with tears. “I’ll give you two a moment.” 

“You did it, kid.” He smiles.

“I almost killed everyone…” I state sadly and he shakes his head. 

“You only filled out the vision. After I had yours, I had another. The house was burning and you passed out in it. I didn’t wanna worry you any more so I didn’t tell you about it. I’ve been preparing for it, I even made an easy way out for myself. You don’t have to worry about me, kid.” He grabs my hands, holding them softly in both of his. "The curse has been lifted. We are free."

“I don’t understand, I did everything right, I patched the cracks…” I trail off, ignoring him and trying to find any possible reason why this happened. 

“I don’t control the future. I only see into it. Things happen, kid. You have to accept that. I did a very long time ago.” He shrugs. 

“But everything’s fine now, right?”

“You tell me. Does it feel fine?” He looks at me expectantly and I take a while before shaking my head slowly. “Then it’s not. There’s still more to do.” 

“Like bringing you back home.” I stand quickly, taking him up with me. It takes him a moment to register but he immediately plops back down. I pull him back up, trying to drag him back to the char that used to be our house. 

“I can’t!” He whisper shouts, pulling back. “I-I mean, I’ve been gone for so long. No one wants to see me.” 

“You said there’s still more to do and in my heart, I know that I need to bring you back to our family!” I grunt and he eventually gives in, making me stumble back a bit. 

“If you feel that it’s right.” He sighs. “Don’t announce me, I wanna try something.” He tells me and I nod, walking off by myself but still keeping an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t run off. He lurks for a bit, keeping his eyes on Tía Pepa. When she has her back turned, focusing on Toñito, he comes up behind her. “Hey, sis. Doesn’t look like rain any more, does it?” He chuckles but she doesn’t look up at him. 

Vete a la mierda. That joke wasn’t funny on my wedding day and it isn’t now. I’m trying to take care of my child so if you don’t have any useful input, Bruno, you can fuck right off.” She groans, then takes a second to register. “Bruno.. Bruno!” She screams in joy, flinging herself around him. Everyone looks up to see what the commotion is and our family immediately rushes over to him, leaving only me, Dolores, and Antonio out of their bombarding questions. 

“What does ‘mierda’ mean?” Toñito looks up at me and Dolores. I stare her down and she shakes her head, telling me that I have to do it. 

“A bad word that you should never, ever repeat.” I tell him sternly and he nods. He’s been conditioned well by his mom. Mira and Cami slide over to me. 

“We’re going for a walk, let’s go.” Cami says as they link both of their arms in mine, dragging me away. I don’t protest but I look at them confusedly the best I can facing away from them. 

“Our Tío has been gone for ten years and we’re just walking out?” I’m more baffled than anything.

“There’s just way too much right now. We need a breather and you definitely do.” Mira explains, letting go of me so I can turn around and walk with them on my own. Seems a little suspicious that they’re making decisions for me but I’m happy. I did need to clear my mind. We’re back at a familiar pond, a simple place that we get to call ours. 

“Now that we’re out of earshot,” Cami starts, sitting down and inviting Mira and I with a kind pat on the grass. “We have a reason why. We wanna run away. Out of the Encanto, I mean.” This has to be some sort of joke. I look at Mira in utter shock and confusion and she nods, letting me know that they’re absolutely serious. 

“We can have the cottagecore lifestyle of our dreams, miel. Just like we talked about after our dreams.” 

“Where would we even go?” 

“Through the crack.” Cami shrugs. “We’ll build a house, steal some supplies from Casita. It can be just us. What do you say, princípe?” He asks eagerly. Is this a good decision? Before I can respond, a yellow butterfly flutters over to us and I hold my hand out to it, letting it land on the back of it. I smile down at it, thinking about Tío Bruno’s vision. I kiss its wing gently and I feel calm. Now I know what he was talking about. Everything feels right. 

“I’d love to.” I smile and they’re overjoyed. “I love you, mi dulce.” I kiss Mira lightly. “I love you, mi querido.” I turn to Cami after we pull away, giving him a quick peck. 

“I love you too--” They both start. 

Mi princípe.” Cami smiles sweetly.

Mi miel dulce.” Mira giggles softly. I love them both so much.

Word Count: 1,700

The end! Don't worry, I will be posting a prologue tomorrow. Thank you so much for reading and supporting me on my journey, I love y'all so much! Stay safe, my dudes <3

Published: (3/2/22) (Month/Day/Year)

Final Word Count: 1,747

Love Geometry - Camilo x Reader x Mirabel [COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora