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~2 Years Later~

            On our anniversary I woke up alone and thought about everything our family/group had been through. We as a group got closer through the years. We all went to Maddy’s high school graduation and I threw a party. For her graduation Liam kept saying any school she picked he would pay for her education. Maddy and I both kept saying no. At the party I held the boys presented Maddy with a gift.

“So since we knew you and Laur would say no we did it without you knowing.” Zayn said.

“We want you to be able to go to Uni and not have to worry.” Louis said.

“Yeah we all chipped in the five of us, Perrie, Gem, and El.” Harry smiled.

“When you moved in with Laur you became part of our family.” Liam smiled hugging Maddy to him.

“We all wanted to give you a very promising future.” Niall said handing her a folder holding bank account information.

“We set up a trust fund for you to go to school and figure out your future.” Niall said.

“No Laura and I both told you not to do this.” Maddy said.

“We are boys we don’t listen very well.” Niall laughed.

“I don’t know what to say.” Maddy smiled hugging each of the boys.

            That was a great memory even if I totally yelled at the boys; I was going to figure out how to pay for Maddy’s education. Now here I am Maddy is at school I am at home I have the day off from school. It’s been two years since Liam and I got engaged we couldn’t figure out a time to get married, he wanted to meet my family first but I didn’t want to see my mom. It took me a while to cave to see my family.

            Now here I am on our anniversary and our wedding day. My parents flew over and were staying at a hotel. Maddy, Perrie, El, and Gemma were in the wedding. Maddy was my maid of honor while the other girls were brides’ maids. This was a very exciting new step of life but I was doing it with the most important people in my life.

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