Chapter 7

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        That week we all hit a routine with the guys being home for a bit of a break. If I couldn’t go straight home at least one of the guys would be there. Niall and Will spent the most time with Maddy, Liam would wait for me at my school to walk home with me. We all made this schedule work for a month.

            On Liam and mines one-month anniversary he said he would pick me up from school to do an early dinner. I was excited and happy about the night. The day was dragging along but it finally ended. I left right away to see Liam leaning on his car holding flowers.

“Liam!” I squealed running over to him.

“Hey sweetheart.” He smiled pulling me into his arms.

“Hi.” I whispered hugging closer to him and gently kissing the side of his neck where I could reach.  “You ready?” he asked softly kissing me.

“Yep.” I smiled as he handed me the flowers and moved to open the door for me. As we drove I recognized some of the scenery. Then he pulled into parking lot by the restaurant we went to on our first date. He held my hand as we walked in and the host took us to the same table. It was amazing the memory we shared from the past month. When desert came out I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out to see a text from Maddy. ‘Aiden is here.’ I paled and felt my hands start to shake. “Laur you ok?” Liam asked sliding his hand across the table to hold mine.

“No hold on sorry oh God sorry.” I whispered opening my phone to call Maddy. 

“Laur?” she answered on the first ring.

“You didn’t go near him right?”

“No I used Niall’s key and went into his flat. I don’t think he noticed or recognized me.”

“Ok good are the guys there?”

“Yeah Niall tried to make him leave before he knew who it was.”

“Did he hurt Niall?”

“No but I told Niall who it was and I thought he was going to kill him.”

“But he didn’t go back out right?”

“Yeah he wants to talk to you.”



“Ok put him on.” I whispered and looked and Liam and whispered, “Aiden is at my flat.” He squeezed my hand as Niall said my name.

“Niall don’t go near him.” I whispered.

“What do you want me to do?”

“Keep Maddy safe and distract her please. I will deal with….” Liam pulled my phone out of my hand.

“Niall tell me what’s happening.”

“He’s sitting in front of Laura’s door.”

“Ok leave him to me you stay safe.”

“Will do!” Niall said hanging up.

“Liam?” I whispered looking at him.

“Sweetheart don’t worry. I am going to protect you.”

“No you could get hurt. You have to think about the band and your career.”

“Laur I am calling the boys for back up.”

“Ok but then that just puts everyone at risk.”

“Laura listen to me, we are not going to let anything happen to you or Madison.”

Strong (A Liam Payne Love Story)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now