Chapter 8 (Lead Up to Christmas)

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real quick i am awkward with me writing and you all reading the dirty stuff so i kind of fluff around it so sorry if your expecting any of that! 

The month of November flew bye and before we knew it, it was time for thanksgiving. “Laur we technically don’t need to celebrate it” Maddy said cleaning some dishes.

“Sure we do. It’s only a half-day of school I can put the turkey on before we leave and ask one of the boys to check on it. We can get the side dishes done during the week so the day of won’t be to bad.”

“If you think we can get it done then let’s do it.” She laughed.

            So we did every night the week of we made a side dish then on the day of Liam and Niall hung out in my flat to check on the turkey until I got home. It was an amazing day, the entire group was there making it even more fun.

            Then the month of December came. I already knew I was not going home, I was not ready to see my mom. It was hard to forgive her for giving Aiden my address. Liam said I could go with him to meet his family, which was nerve wrecking. I told him I would think about it. Maddy on the other hand, her family wanted her to go home for her winter break.

“No Laura I don’t want to go home!” she yelled.

“Why Mads?” I asked sitting on the couch looking at her.

“Because Laur you are more my family then they are.” She said trying to stay calm but losing control.

“Ok that’s fine but your mom really wants you to go home.”

“That’s all good and well until I get there and she starts yelling about this and that.”

“That’s not true.” I sighed.

“GAH yes it is! You don’t hear how she talks to me on the phone. Always making me feel bad about something, things out of my control.”

“Ok Madison maybe the three of us should talk. I am going to call her…..”

“NO I will call her on my phone and put it on speaker so you can hear it.” She said pulling out her phone.

            Five minutes into the phone call Madison’s mom was making her feel bad for not being home. Maddy wasn’t helping by trying to pick a fight. I sighed and whispered, “You can stay.” He relationship with her mom was almost like mine, but my mom was delusional.  She hung up her phone and hung her head as she said, “It’s almost like she’s trying to make a point or something.”

“I know Madison I know. Well since your staying we should decorate.”

“And plan what we will do for your birthday.”

“We don’t have to do anything.”

“Yes we do!” she laughed.

“No it’s my 23rd birthday it’s not a fun birthday.”

“Dude Laura we live in London it’s going to be awesome.”

“True but we should find a church to go to for Christmas.”

“I could ask my friends where they go?”

“Sounds great!” I smiled.

            We decorated and went Christmas shopping. It was easy to shop for everyone except for Liam. Maddy had a list, the guys all wanted small things. Liam would not tell me what he wanted. The second week of December Liam was at my flat, I was cooking while he channel surfed. “Liam give me a hint as to what you want please.” I said moving into the main room with our food.

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