Chapter 4

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That Friday flew by with the half-day and sight seeing with Madison. The next day I woke up to someone knocking on my door. “Oh come on my one day to sleep in.” I groaned getting up and putting on my robe. The knocking was consistent and getting very annoying. Maddy poked her head out as I walked to open the door, “Laur who is it?” she asked as I looked through the peep whole. “I don’t know.” I said all I could see were flowers. I opened the door as Liam lowered the flowers and smiled, “Oh my God your home!” I squealed and pulled him in for a hug. “I guess you’re happy I’m back?” he laughed wrapping his arm around my waist. “Your not a face on my phone any more your real.” I laughed pulling him into my flat. “I was always real.” He laughed handing me the flowers “For me?” I asked laughing not being able to stop smiling.

“For you.” He said following me into the kitchen.

“So have you had breakfast yet?”

“Nope went home dropped off my bags then came here.”

“So sweet um let me grab a shower make yourself comfortable.”

“Could I take a nap while you shower?”

“Yeah come on back Maddy is in the guest room.”

“Cool your ok with me staying in your bed?”

“Yep!” I smiled as we went into my room and he followed me. I shut the door and watched him lay down, as I got ready for my shower. By the time I was walking into my bathroom Liam was under my blankets asleep. I took a long shower and actually did my hair drying and straightening it. I walked out dressed in my clothing for the day but didn’t want to wake him up just yet. I sat on the bed next to where he was laying down, he was so calm while he slept, and he was using one pillow and had my pillow closer to his face. He breathed a deep sigh and moved closer to my body. I smiled and moved the hair off his face. I sent Will a quick text telling him Liam was at my flat. He replied saying, ‘Group breakfast?’

‘Yeah is Niall good to go?’


‘Cool I will wake Liam and Maddy up.’

‘Ok say like 30 minuets?’

‘Yeah works for me.’ I said moving to get up when Liam grabbed my hand. “Don’t go.” He mumbled. I smiled and kissed his forehead then whispered, “Time to get up sleepy head.”

“Ok.” He groaned letting go of my hand.

            I got up and woke up Maddy and moved to make myself a cup of coffee. As I drank my coffee I waited for everyone to be ready to go, I looked at the flowers Liam got for me. It was a mix of tulips, roses and 5 sunflowers. It was beautiful and I loved it.  Liam walked in and caught me looking at the flowers. He smiled and said, “I’m glad you like them.”

“They are very beautiful thank you so much Liam.” I smiled then finished my coffee.

“Your welcome.” He smiled and walked closer to me as I put my mug in the sink. He gently slid his arms around my waist and turned me so I could look him in the eyes. “I’m really happy you opened the door this morning.” He smiled and pulled me closer to hug him. I laughed lightly as I hugged him back. “We are going out to breakfast.” I said looking up at him.

“Just the two of us?”

“No, you, me, Maddy, Will and Niall. It’s a tradition Will and I started is that ok?”

“Yeah it’s perfect.” He smiled

“Good.” I said as Maddy walked into the kitchen.

“Morning!” she sang out happily. I quickly pulled away and smiled to her and asked, “Ready to go?” she nodded then looked at Liam and said, “Welcome home. It’s nice to finally meet you off the phone.”

Strong (A Liam Payne Love Story)Book 1Where stories live. Discover now