Chapter 10 (Drama in their life)

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“I don’t know Laur, don’t cry.”

“I can’t help it when I get yelled at I cry.” I grumbled.

“Oh he was just upset about the situation.” Maddy whispered. I nodded and walked behind the car and curled into a ball. Maddy walked over and stood there but didn’t say anything. She stood there until Liam walked over and said, “Get in the car your staying at my place tonight.” Maddy nodded and got in the car. Liam moved back to me and went to touch my arm but I flinched away and whispered, “Please don’t touch me.” I looked at him as tears ran down my cheeks and whispered, “Please” and a sob escaped my chest. He didn’t listen to me as he picked me up and held me against his chest. “I’m sorry for yelling Laur please God stop crying. You got out of the damn car.  Why did you get out of the car? What were you going to do?” he rambled shaking a little.

“I…..I….don’t really know I just knew how dangerous he is. I couldn’t let you get hurt.” I sighed.

“No one got hurt.”

“Why can’t we go up?” I asked.

“I will explain when we get to my place. Please Laur tell me we are ok?”

“I um think so it just felt like I was back dealing with him.”

“I’m so sorry sweetheart I didn’t want you near him”

“Ok it’s ok we are good.” I whispered. Liam put me in the car and moved to get in and drive us over to his flat. It wasn’t a long drive, when he parked we all grabbed our bags and followed him into the flat. Liam showed Maddy to her room and told her to make herself at home. Then he took me back to his room where I just stood in the middle of the room. He sat on his bed looking at me then whispered, “I am truly sorry for yelling at you. You don’t know the feeling I had not being able to control the situation. I just want to keep you safe and happy.” He looked up at me and reached out to me. I looked at his hand and remembered that morning and how happy we were. I slid my hand into his and whispered, “I’m sorry I got out of the car. I wasn’t thinking I just went when I heard it was Aiden.  He almost ruined me and now he won’t leave me alone.” I said moving to sit next to him.

“Now he will, we should all talk.” Liam whispered. I pulled his hand to make him look at me and gently touched his face as I whispered, “Is it bad?”

“Yes.” He sighed resting his forehead against mine. I shivered and whispered, “Really bad?”

“Yeah let’s go find Maddy so we can talk and plan.”

“Ok.” I went to move but he held me and looked into my eyes as if asking to kiss me, I nodded and he kissed me lightly. Just feeling his lips touch mine made my heart speed up.

            When we pulled away Liam took my hand into his and we walked out to his living room. “Maddy!” he yelled out. “Yeah?” she said walking out of the guest room.

“We all need to talk.” He said as we all sat down, Maddy and I were sitting on the couch as Liam sat in front of us on the coffee table. I gently took Maddy’s hand into mine as Liam looked at us. “Your apartment was trashed, it looked like he stayed there the couple days we were out of town. Maddy your room was trash but for the most part intact. Laur your room was trashed like torn apart broken and well um gross.” He said.

“What do you mean gross?” I asked.

“Well he uh…. He um well…..”

“Spit it out Liam what did he do? Pee all over the place?”

“Well that’s close enough.”

“What? Do you mean he….” I asked looking upset then Maddy whispered, “Jerk off.”

“Exactly!” Liam said making us laugh at first then we thought about it and I groaned, “Oh crap really?”

“Well that too….” He sighed.

“Stop it really?” I said getting angry.

“Why would he do that?” Maddy asked.

“He didn’t say anything as the police took him out. Will and I didn’t want to go in until the police got there. They said they found him laying in a pile of clothing.”

“God…Really…. Can’t he just leave me alone.”

“The police are working on deporting him.” Liam said.

“Good I never want to see him again.”

“You will never see him ever again.” Liam said taking my free hand into both of his hands. He leaned in and kissed me lightly then hugged Maddy.

            The rest of that night was the three of us figuring out just what we were going to do about my flat. Liam was all about moving us in with him while we got my flat renovated. I was just nervous about Liam getting sick of taking care of my problems. That night after Maddy went to bed I looked at Liam and whispered, “I’m scared my crap past will be the reason you leave me.” He stopped moving to look at me as I sat on the couch and just looked at him. He didn’t say anything so I said, “You told me to tell you my main insecurities back before we started and that’s the big one. You will get sick of cleaning up my mess and you will leave me. I know it sounds dumb but it’s not.” I watched him move to sit next to me and take my hands into his. He looked at me and said, “Ok that’s understandable but I love you and nothing will chase me away; nothing and no one.”

“So me being here won’t drive you nuts?”

“Nope Laur you being here is only going to drive me crazy in the case of never wanting to get out of our bed.” He smiled.

“It’s not our bed yet I am just a guest here.”

“Well some day it will be our bed.”

“Hopefully.” I smiled. He quickly picked me up and carried me to his room and smiled.  


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