Chapter 27 - Chaoticism.

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Long before Amba realized, someone barreled straight into her. Both of them were sprawled on the ground. 

"Panchali careful!!" Someone called as footsteps hurried over.

"I am so sorry, Devi!" apologized Draupadi with a sheepish smile as she slowly stood up with the help of her brother, her twin Dhristadyumna.

"It's alright," said Amba with a fond look, as she remembered the antics of her two children, Both were just as coordination-less and hurry-monster. If only they remembered using their other senses, like eyes. But what can you do with kids, anyway?

A hand suddenly appeared outstretched in front of her. She lifted her gaze to meet the twinkling eyes of.....................Bhishma!

Immediately Amba's mood soured. She ignored his hand, fumed, and got up on her own. Bhishma simply gave a small smile, hiding his utter amusement when he found the regal fiery princess sprawled on the floor across another princess. He said, "I hope you aren't hurt."

"Even if I am, why should I tell you?" replied Amba, eyes looking wary as she distanced herself from him. She glanced back at the kids, completely ignoring the Mahamahim-Ugh, the King of Hastinapura. 

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" Her soft voice caused Draupadi to blush a bit, as she answered, "Yes Devi. I am sorry that I crashed on to you. Are you hurt anywhere?"

Amba gave a concerned glance back, experienced eyes glancing at her with a sharp gaze. She could already discern the small cut on the elbows and the scraps on her hand. Although the dusky skin of the princess hid some of those, but Amba was sharp enough to notice them.

"Come with me," said Amba, taking Draupadi by her hand, "And, child, you shouldn't lie."

Draupadi blinked glancing at her twin as she was dragged. Dhristadyumna looked just as helpless and baffled. 

"Come," said Bhishma with a small smile at the clueless prince of Panchala, "It is best to follow the women."

"Where is she taking her?" said Dhristadyumna. Bhishma shrugged, "I assume towards the medicinal room."

"Oh!" said Dhristadyumna, then gave a curious glance, "Who are you? Who is she?"

Bhishma blinked then remembered that Drupada had gotten these children just recently - the Ayonija twins. He replied calmly, "I am Bhishma, and about her, well....just ask her. I am sure she wouldn't mind."

"Bhishma?" mussed Dhristadyumna, "Weird! Your name is the same as the current King of Hastinapura." 

Bhishma shot him an amused look, but did not clarify that he was the King of Hastinapura. 

 "You know, my grandfather is also obsessed with a man named Bhishma!" continued Dhristadyumna, completely unaware of the horrified look of his companion, "I wonder how many Bhishma's there are! I already met three. Do you know any other Bhishma's, manyavaar?"  

Bhishma gave a bemused nod, indicating a negative. They reached the medicine room. Bhishma watched as Amba gently guided the young woman to a seat as she gently took several of the herbs to create a swift paste. 

"I sense a mother's touch in you," said Draupadi, eyes soft with wonder. She never felt a mother's touch before, that she continued impulsively, "But you don't look older than me!"

Bhishma gave a fond smile. He felt a sudden joy at the scene. Amba helping a child like that - she looked right at home in Hastinapura. That thought made him straighten with wide eyes. He gulped, glancing nervously at the young child-uh, prince beside him. He was thankful to find him enamored with the scene too.

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