Chapter 2 : Ire of an Injustice.

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A grand structure, spreading over miles off land, separated yet connected into various mini-palaces had the Kuru clan's flag flying high - This was the home of Royals of Hastinapura, the seat of the Lunar Dynasty. Rows of armoured soldiers stood on either side of the majestic walkway, all bowing down on one knee as the imposing iron gates, glided in gold and encrusted in precious gems open. 

Bhishma entered the palace entrance. His white chariot, having five white horses sped through the walkway and came to a halt at the steps leading to the main entrance door of the central palace.

He came down followed by Ambika and Ambalika. Amba was helped to come down by her sisters, her eyes held not even a sliver of emotion in their depths. Bhishma glanced at her with none noticing his concerned look. Her eyes and instincts were what had held his attention the moment he had arrived at the threshold of the hall.  He hadn't seen such blue eyes before in his life. It held a kind of intelligence he had rarely seen amongst princess, for they were raised to docile and be subservience to their future husbands. Currently, the blank gaze of her eyes which had held his attention previously, was raising all kinds of red flags in his mind. An unknown anxiousness rose within him.

He shook his head discretely, dislodging the forbidden thoughts of a woman. He had vowed to a life of celibacy and he cannot think of a woman in any manner at all. Any interest would turn out to be detrimental. Yet, the anxiousness did not leave his heart. He truly felt concerned for her, which was very unsettling.

He gestured towards the female servants standing with bowed heads to take the princesses in the guest quarters, while he proceeded to speak with his step-mother. He did not glance at the Princesses, whose lives he had uprooted that day. Perhaps he was being unsympathetic, but he had no other choice. His life was forfeited to the throne, for Hastinapura. 

Amba looked around with an impassive face, as they followed behind the servants. She was escorted alongside her sisters to a massive room decked up with all kinds of jewels and silk draping. It held cushioned chairs glided with gold, golden chaises and various assorted table with bowls filled with fruits and sweets. 

A servant said with a bowed head, " Princesses, Kindly take some rest and have some refreshments."  

Ambika and Ambalika looked around in wonder and awe. Amba simply took a seat at the nearest chaise. Her eyes unfocused as she stared into oblivion. 

"Big sister?" called Ambika, as she neared after noticing her elder sister sit.

Amba did not respond as she normally would. Ambika and Ambalika exchanged a glance, nearing their elder sister and placing a hand on each of her shoulders. She was startled out of her thoughts, as she looked at her surroundings - really registering where she was. She chided herself for being so dazed in the enemy territory.

Seeing her eldest sister out of her own world, Ambalika chirped with fake happiness, "Isn't this room beautiful, sister?"

Amba closed her eyes. An ever burning anger had been lit within her at the injustice meted out to them for something they weren't even responsible for. Throughout the entire journey she had been planning. She had been weighing the pros and cons of her situation and realized that there was only one way out - for now. She cannot rage at the injustice yet but she could use that burning ire productively. She won't spare any of them for playing with her life - neither her father, nor the illustrious son of Ganga.

Though she was furious, she knew the significance of what had happened at the court, even if it was unknowingly. She would give one chance to Bhishma, but she could already predict what his answer would be. She stabilized her mind for what she was about to do.

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