Chapter 5 : Her Sisters.

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Amba moved through the crowd of a small village called Bhadrapura. She had been granted shelter amongst the tribes near Utkala. They had not recognized her and she hadn't given her birth name. She hadn't lied though. She had called herself 'Kashvi'; which had been one of her given names, though rarely used. She had fond memories with this name. Her old master, who was dead now, had bestowed her with this name. She had rarely allowed anyone to know this name of hers. Only her sisters knew how much this name meant for her. 

Amba walked through the busy market. It felt like people of several villages had come to shop or sell. She went towards one of the shops which sold jewellery. She sold the jewellery, she had once been adorned in during the ceremony. She wanted to destroy everything that connected her to the 'Incident'. She did not want to be reminded of that man or what had happened with her. She would take the unacknowledged marriage with her to the grave. 

After selling those jewels, she bought a single gold chain and two basic gold bangles and a pair of gold earrings without any other gems or jewels. These would become her ornaments for the rest of her life. The only thing she kept as a reminder of her origin was a pair of anklets and a pair of bangles, which had belong to her dead mother. 

The rest of the money was used to buy some simple clothes and the money which was left was saved to be used in case of emergency. 

Suddenly Amba heard trumpets being blown. Instinctively, she hid among the crowds behind the back. She wondered who had arrived in this minor village. A trumpet sound meant, either a royal was arriving or there was some news to be spread among the locals of a kingdom. Since there was an absence of an announcer, then a royal must be arriving. She needed to hide for they could recognized her. It was best to be safe than sorry.

She hid behind a tree, keeping an eye and ear out for anything suspicious. It turned out to be a good thing for she heard critical news from two locals standing near her hiding place. The news had her hearts racing a mile a minute. 

"I have heard the Royals of Hastinapura has come here." said one man.

"Why would the Royals come here from all the way from the Kuru Kingdom?" asked the other.

"I heard that they are here to pray to Lord Shiva and offer prayers in the Shiva temple of this village. Everyone knows that this temple of the Lord is magical. Every prayer made at the Lord's feet is fulfilled here." replied the first man.

"Perhaps. Who has come from the Royal family?" said the second man indecisively.

Amba's heart started to beat fast in anxiety. She wondered whether it was trying to come out of her chest. She strained her ears to listen in from behind the tree.

"I heard that His Excellency, Shantanava Bhishma along with his mother Queen Mother Satyavati and two new sisters-in-law had come to the offer prayers to the Lord," said the first man.

She did not listen after that. A part of her wanted to go where they were and hug her sisters. But, that was not possible. A month had crossed by since she had seen them. She longed to meet them yet stay hidden from his sights. Amba quickly turned around when she heard horses arriving. She took the long end of her uttarīya and placed it on her glossy curls, using the elongated length to cover the side of her face so she won't be easily recognized.

As she peeked through the side, she saw Gangaputra arriving in his white horse followed by two palanquins. A royal chariot followed; seated on it was the regal Queen Mother - Satyavati. 

A plan formed within her brilliant mind as soldiers bearing the royal flag surrounded the group in protection. 

"Yes, that will do." Amba whispered to herself.

She quickly went to execute her plan for the time frame needed to do the job was small. 

Amba reached the front of the palanquin which she had noticed held Ambika. She made it seem like she was a lady simply passing by and who had stopped because the princess was about to get down as she should stop in respect. The usual societal rules, everyone just knew.

As Ambika got down from the palanquin, Amba whispered her name quickly so only she could hear it. She saw her sister's eyes widen at her name be spoken by such a familiar voice. As she looked around discreetly, Amba removed her veil slightly for her to notice at once. She immediately become cautious and nodded when Amba gestured at the forest.

Amba grinned in relief when the plan went accordingly. She disappeared before anyone could notice. Thankfully the soldiers were kept on the other side not on the side she had been standing.

"Big Sister!!" 

She heard the familiar and sweet cry of her beloved sisters. She turned to face them only to feel soft hands wrapping around her tightly in a group hug.

She laughed as few tears slipped by. She wrapped her arms around them just as tightly with a warm smile on her young face.

"I missed you." She said murmuring softly.

"We missed you too!" sobbed Ambalika, as her grip tightening significantly.

She loosened the hug to wipe away her sisters tears, "How have you two been? Is Vichitravirya treating you both well? Do I need to go and threaten him?"

Ambika gave a teary laugh, "You have threatened him enough, big sister. He is afraid of you now, I think, for he is cautious and afraid even when he interacts with us. Am I correct Ambalika?"

Ambalika nodded, her tears giving way to an amused grin, "I may have pranked him by acting like you." 

Amba shook her head at their mischievousness, "I hope no one had followed you."

Ambika nodded, "No. We came from behind the temple."

"What about the Queen Mother?" 

"She is shrewd and stern, yet she seem to try and get along with us," said Ambalika softly, while Ambika continued, her intelligent eyes on her elder sister, "Jyesht Bhishma," Amba controlled her wince at the term of address, "has been kind. He had helped us as much as he could. I am grateful for his aid, sister."

"I am glad," Amba answered, the sentence tasting like ash on her tongue before she quickly changed the topic, "I would be pursuing asceticism and travelling. Write letters when you can and I will reply when I have time. Be careful and stay safe, sisters. Both of you're the only people left that I care about. Go now before anyone can see us together."

"Stay safe, big sister," Both of them hugged her, "You're no less than a mother for us and we would be devastated if we loose you." They left quickly after that, eyes betraying their tears. 

Amba leaned back against a tree, hiding from sight so that they can't see the tears flowing down her cheeks too. They needed a strong farewell. 

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