Chapter 19 : Nityayuvanī.

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"A Nityayuvanī ?" asked Satyavati, a bit surprised and worried too.

Maharishi Ved Vyaas have left after declining all requests to stay, citing his work was completed. Satyavati had stayed back as she was given the duty to see that her late husband's last wish was completed and then his Śrāddha would have to be performed by Bhishma again. So till everything was done, she would remain in the Hastinapura palace. Both Ambika and Ambalika had been immensely happy due to this. Ganga opted to come and go as per convenience as she wanted to stay in the matter of her son and also preferred not to be seen by outsiders.

Gandhar raj Shakuni hadn't been pleased to see another thorn at his sight. He had asked his nephew Duryodhan to stay calm and wait for the right opportunity to strike, as now with Bhishma's ascendance to the throne and given his condition that Yuddhisthira will become the crown prince, nothing can be done. Duryodhana hadn't been pleased but didn't throw tantrums much and if he did, no one found out.

On the other hand, Pandavas, Kauravas, Kunti and Gandhari were elated at the prospect of getting a 'Badi Maa' or a 'Pitamahi'. But Dhritarashtra seemed half-happy and half-sad, looking quite indecisive in the end.

But now a problem appeared. Satyavati had asked Kripa to see Bhishma's birth chart once, in case something they didn't know popped up. It looks like something did pop up.

"Yes, Mother," nodded Kripa, trying to hide his smile, "Since Devavrata is a Nityayuvan, his other-half has to be a nityayuvanī. Otherwise the match would not be auspicious and it could cause a problem for the future of Hastinapura too."

Bhishma wanted to laugh at his added sentence. He knew his best friend well enough to know that the last statement was an utter fluke. His never-going-to-happen-married-life has nothing to do with Hastinapura's well being.

Now do whatever you want Mother, thought Bhishma with a smirk, There is no way you will find a girl for me like this. You should have agreed that it was impossible.

At that moment Ganga entered the room. She glanced at her son's smirk, understanding something had pleased him. She gave a questioning glance at Satyavati, as she sat beside her on the chaise.

"Jiji, Kripa is saying that we need to find a nityayuvanī for Devavrata!" said Satyavati anxiously, the moment she sat down.

Ah!!, thought Ganga, so that is the reason behind Devavrata's smirk. Well, I apologize son, but you are already married and your wife happens to be a nityayuvanī.

At present, Ganga smiled calmly, "No worries, Satyavati. If Mahadeva wants, we would find our daughter-in-law soon. For now just announce the entire matter in the Kingdom. The news will spread in the entire country soon enough. Oh, don't announce the nityayuvanī part."

Bhishma's face remained impassive but he was rolling his eyes within his mind, Mother seemed a bit too confident. Where is this confidence coming from?

As the news spread all across the nation, excited whispers started to arise. Thousands of proposals arrived in Hastinapura - from all the kingdoms, not only speaking of the unmarried girls but also speaking of other military alliances, expressing their wish to be allied to Hastinapura. Apparently the news of Shantanava Bhishma taking the throne had shocked them too much. 

If there was one person (who was not Krishna or Parshurama - avatars of Vishnu and so on so forth) whose name bought awe, respect and fear too - that was Bhishma.

Hence, why everyone wanted an alliance with Hastinapura, so if Bhishma wanted to wage war, none of them would have to face him. His grand-nephews valour and victory against Panchala was spread far and wide as well. 

Ambika blinked as she looked at the letter in her hands before she giggled out loud. Ambalika who was sitting with her, going through all the other proposals, separating them into two piles, looked up in bewilderment.

"What happened jiji?"

"Jiji's letter," said Ambika, making sure no one was around as she waved the letter, "She is saying and I quote, 'Like father like son. The former married when his son was at a marriageable age and the latter is marrying when his grandsons are at a marriageable age.' "

Ambalika giggled at that, while Ambika went back to read the rest of the letter with a smile on her face.

"If Jyesht had married Jiji at that time, then perhaps, today Pandu would have been alive. Perhaps Dhritarashtra would be less insecure. Perhaps..."

Ambalika's mussings made Ambika sigh, "Behena, you know well, we cannot change anything. It was Jyesht's choice. Jiji decided that she would become a recluse, that she would stay away from everyone. We can't change their choices, Ambalika."

"Either way I am excited," said Ambalika, with a small smile, while Ambika huffed slightly, "I just hope that our would be sister-in-law is nice. We don't need anymore divide in this family."

"Absolutely!" said Satyavati as she entered with a smile, "And our Bhishma's other half have to be special, after all."

Ambalika said, "I hope she is Mother, because to search, I have had to divide this entire pile by myself. Look how many marriage proposals have come for Jyesht!!"

"What!!" said Bhishma, as he entered with Kripa, "What has arrived, Ambalika?"

"Marriage proposals," shrugged Ambalika, a teasing smile on her face, while Ambika added mischievously, "and military proposals too. I think they are veiled marriage proposals."

Bhishma blinked looking at the huge pile, probably worth some two hundred to five hundred marriage proposals in front of Ambalika and another separated pile only containing some twenty or so letters. His face paled drastically.

"Come son," said Satyavati, "Let us see which proposal you liked."

"Mother, I have some very important work," said Bhishma, before fleeing out of the room like Yamraja was after his life.

Ambika and Ambalika glanced at each other before bursting into cheerful giggles. Satyavati chuckled as well, amusement in her eyes while Kripa was smirking with various teasings already dancing within his mind.

"But on a serious note," said Satyavati, "This will be tough for us. Ganga jiji has asked us to not declare that we need a nityayuvanī bride. It may cause even big problems. We would have to search discretely amongst all these girls. The one who is a nityayuvanī would be advertising herself openly as many see it as a prideful thing to remain young till they die."

"I agree with you, Mother," said Kripa thoughtfully, as he looked at the pile of letters, "Learning about this kind of information from a letter would be tough."

"Then we may have a way," said Ambika, eyes showing her excitement.

"And that is, jiji?" asked Ambalika curiously.

"Our grandsons won a war and that has a cause for a celebration. Over that Vasant Panchami is near, hence we could arrange a fair that could last for some time, like a week. This would allow us to meet with various of these princesses and their families as well as find out who is the nityayuvanī."

" perfect," said Satyavati with a happy smile.

"Then I shall inform Devavrata regarding it," said Kripa, his smirk turning mischievous which was similar to his nephew Ashwathama's.

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