Chapter 15 : His Frustration.

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In Hastinapura,

The most known eldest son of the late Maharaja Shantanu paced the floor of his room with deep thoughts swirling in his mind. The entire matter of the tournament hadn't gone the way he had expected. He had hoped to see some good healthy competition and co-operation amongst the cousins, but that turned out to redundant. All of them had the same kind of rivalry and the seed of poison was growing as the days went past.

Bhishma hadn't felt this helpless in his life. Right in front of his eyes, he could already anticipate what would cause the destruction of his clan. From taking the oath for his father, to promising to look after Hastinapura, he had only one dream after giving up everything - To see a virtuous and Dharma following person sitting on the throne of Hastinapura.

Yet, as days went by, he found it hard to achieve. After his oath, everything seems to fall apart. Good and happy days rarely stayed in Hastinapura for more than small specific time period.

One by one problems arrived.

Chitrāngada died shortly after ascending the throne, Vichitravirya succumbed to his disease leaving his wives as widows, Dhritarashtra was born blind, Pandu was born pale, then the dissatisfaction of his elder nephew due to Pandu getting the throne, then Gandhari's sacrifice, then Pandu's curse, the birth of Pandavas and Kauravas, Pandu's death, and finally the cousins rivalry which will go down to enmity.

He can already foresee that.

"Devavrata!!" called Kripa loudly, looking annoyed at being ignored by his best friend.

Oh, right! Kripa was present in the room. Bhishma had forgotten that, well aware he won't be doing any harm to him.

" I apologize, my friend," said Bhishma, his voice soft yet the silver of worry in his tone haven't gone unnoticed by the ever attentive Raj Guru.

"Stop worrying Devavrata," said Kripa, hoping that his words were not as hollow as it sounded, " I am sure it will be fine."

Bhishma gave a cynical smile, "How long are you going to repeat that to me, Kripa? For how long!" He started to pace the floor, looking agitated, as he continued to speak, "Years after years, Hastinapura had only been plagued by worries and unhappy days. Even today, I could already anticipate what will happen to my clan. Kripa, from when had the tree which signified the Kuru's become poisoned? Is all these years of sacrifice, all these years of pain not enough to cure this poison? Perhaps, I have more to give."

"Devavrata!" yelled Kripa, his eyes glaring furiously at Bhishma, whose eyes were as cold and unfeeling as the icy tone of his voice.

"Stop it, Shantanusut!" said Kripa, his hands coming to rest on the broad, defined shoulders of Bhishma, who glanced at his best friend with emotionless eyes, while Kripa continued, "Do not ever say such words. You have given everything you had, Devavrata! No more will you put yourself at harm for the Kingdom. As for the growing enmity amongst the cousins, then let us pray to Mahadeva, so he may help us to find a solution."

Bhishma sighed, shrugging his hands off, as he went to stand at his extended balcony, looking up at the moon, "I don't know Kripa. I am at the end of my wits. After today, I have stopped hoping for a miracle."

"Your Excellency, I ask for permission to come inside." called a soldier from outside the threshold.

Bhishma did not response, but Kripa gestured the soldier to come in, sighing at his friend's absentmindedness and tensed posture.

"What is the news?" asked Kripa, glancing at the soldier.

The soldier bowed at both the highly respected men, before answering, "King Dhritarashtra had called for an immediate court meeting and he requests, His Excellency, to kindly be present at the meeting."

Kripa frowned while Bhishma sighed, already guessing what the meeting was about, replied, "Inform Dhritarashtra that I shall be there soon."

If Bhishma thought that the discussion with Kripa had disheartened him, then what Bharadwajputra Drona had asked and it's consequent reactions had saddened him even further.

"I hope the war with Panchala will be successful," thought Bhishma, taking note of Shakuni's sly grin and Dhritarashtra's satisfied expression, "Even though I see the rift widening at this veiled competition for the throne."

Sometime he wondered what he had done to endure such pains. His family was falling apart and he could do nothing but watch. 

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