A family at last

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I sit down on one of the fallen over logs that are scattered throughout the forest. I almost feel like a child about to be scolded as both of them look at me.

"Are you going to tell us the truth yourself?" Jyesth Yudhishthir asks his eyes carefully scanning mine.

"What truth?" I say but even I can feel it's not convincing.

"How did you know I'm your brother Arjun?" Jyesth Karns voice is serious, his eyes narrowing as he studies my expression.

"Something is going on with you jun I don't know why you won't tell us what it is but I'm worried." Jyesth Yudhishthir says. I sigh softly unsure of what to say. They can't know the truth, at least not yet. I still have too many things to fix.

"Arjun?" Jyesth Karn says looking at me concerned and confused.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell both of you earlier, there's nothing wrong jyesth I uh..." hesitates for just a second, "I heard Mata kunti and her dasi talking after the kala pradarshan. Priyamvada. They were talking about Jyesth Karn and what happened all those years ago." I say thinking of the lie swiftly, almost as if someone spoke it for me but I don't question my luck.

"Priyamvada?" Jyesth Yudhishthir says trying to remember, "she was the dasi that came with mata from kuntibhoj..."

"You should have told us Arjun that's a huge truth to find out and deal with alone anuj," Jyesth Yudhishthir says frowning and kinda putting his hand on my shoulder.

"He's right Arjun you should have told someone," Jyesth Karn sits beside me, "You must have been so confused and hurt."

"I'm sorry Jyesth," the word seems so natural on my tongue but so satisfying to finally be able to call him that. I'm almost scared he'll yell at me again like he did earlier, tell me to not say that but my words seem to have an affect on him, the look in his eyes softens and he smiles a little.

Maybe Jyesth Yudhishthir talked to him, he can easily calm any of us down why would Jyesth Karn be any different?

"It's alright... Anuj" he replies, though there is a slight hesitant pause and almost sadness in his eyes I smile, I have been dying to hear those words from him, ever since I saw his body on the battlefield, found out the truth. Now I'm sure no one can take this away from the 6 of us. We'll never be forced to fight eachother again.

I hug him tight, he freezes unsure but hugs me back. Jyesth Yudhishthir just smiles calmly, but Jyesth Karn pulls him into the hug too causing him to stumble a little but it's fine. Everything is fine now... just a few more messes to clean up and soon we'll be a family again.

"Arjun is right, you are our Jyesth. As shocking it is to everyone it is your place Jyesth."

Jyesth Karn nods a little still in shock, "I'm sorry I was yelling and being rash earlier Arjun. I just couldn't believe it..."

"You don't need to apologize Jyesth, it was a normal reaction. It went against everything you believed in. And I understand if you need time. Talk to your parents about everything," I reassure him and he nods a little.

"I will. But don't worry Arjun regardless of this relation I have already considered you my brother since we became friends." He says, his words give me a comforting feeling.

"We should probably return, mata is worried sick and the others too Jyesth," I say addressing Jyesth Yudhishthir. Gets up and we make our way back to the rest of them.

Nakul is sitting down on the ground with Dev while Bhrata Bheem comforts mata. When we come out into the clearing both of the twins look at us. A mixture of worry and questions in their eyes.

"I think it's about time we all talk instead of walking into the forest and sulking," Nakul says, half jokingly but it was true.

"You're right Kul, we all need to talk this through with a clear head." I say, keeping my voice still soft with Nakul. After the argument there's a lot more we need to talk about. He's having trouble trusting me and I can't let that be. He's my brother...

"Mata I think you and Jyesth Karn need to talk, and we need to discuss what we will do next, from what we know hastinapur thinks we are dead." Jyesth Yudhishthir says, everyone is slightly surprised when he calls Jyesth Karn that but I just smile a little.

Mata seems to regain her composure, wiping her tears and gets up. "Before we talk about anything I think it is important I apologize. To all of you, for keeping this secret I-"

"Ma you never need to apologize to us," Deva says getting up from his spot beside Nakul and  comes towards her. He holds her hand looks back at us, "she is our mother, she raised us and took care of us and even in the highest of teachings it is said that one's mother is above all else. Even god. She made a mistake but it would be against our dharma to hold it against her." He says, his words firm and true. I can start to see the reflection of older dev in him, mature, strong and knowledgeable but just a little. For now he is still young, unaware of how big this one mistake could have gotten. What it could have led to...

Matas eyes will up with tears and she cups his face, "I know my son but that does not mean a mother cannot be at fault. I haven't been a good mother, or a mother at all to karn. He deserved better and I-... I regret what I did my son." She says coming to Jyesth Karn and putting her hand on his shoulder softly.


"I will not ask you to give me the rights a mother has over her child Karn, I know how much you love your Radha ma. She has taken care of you when I was not there... but I hope you will in time forgive me." She says and at her words Jyesth visibly relaxes.

"Thank you Rajmata..." Jyesth Karn says, it will take time. Healing always takes time.

"However long that takes, we still accept you as our brother Jyesth," Deva says.

"Dev is right. It is your rightful position and besides Arjun bhaiya is practically already made you our brother in the past few days." Nakul comes beside Deva agreeing with him. He glances at me and I go up to him putting my arm around him comfortingly.

"I could not be happier to get 5 younger brothers, especially brothers like all of you" he says hugging both of them.

"Just them Jyesth?" Bhrata Bheem says and I chuckle a little. The heavy weight being lifted off my shoulders. My family is finally one...

"No not only them. All of you!" He says ruffling Bhrata Bheems hair.

As reliving as it is... I know there is still a long way to go until he truly accepts us.


Hey guys! I'm back! Hope you liked the update I haven't written this story in a while so if you notice any inconsistencies with the story or what I say please DM me! I'll be happy to fix them <3

Also please tell me which couples you guys wanna see more of!
Arjun and Subhi
Arjun and Panchali
Karn and Vrushali
Karn and Uruvi
The rest of the Pandavas and Panchali
Any of the Pandavas and their other wives

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