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Back to the present where y/n and Teru at the lake

"And that's why... You need to kill me..."

"I'm the one who started all of this... I'm the one who gave you all of the works... Exorcist stuff... If I don't touch the lake. You could be a normal person... Live a normal life. Take a break of everything... And on top of all... You can have time with your family..."

I look at Teru. My eyes were blurry by my tears. I try to smile a bit to assure him that it's okay

His face was terrified by the truth, his hand is shaking.

"Don't hold it..."

I help him to move the sword to my neck


His sword fall to the green grass.

"Don't hesitate Teru..."

I take the sword again and put it on his grip

He's shaking terribly

"There must be other way..."

He look around. Avoiding my eyes.

"It shouldn't be like this!"

He yell at me.

The soft voice of his already disappear.

"I'm a supernatural... A really bad one. The one who started all of this. You shouldn't feel bad for m-"

"Don't say anything"

I'm shocked. He rush and hug me. He never done this to me. The sadness hit harder,  I feel like I want to cry already

I push the feelings away. I'm the one who started it and I need to end this.

I comfort him for some time. I feel my back is full of his tears. His hiccup is the only thing I can hear along the time.

As the time passed by, I rub his back while telling him

"It's okay. It's not your fault at all. I shouldn't do that since the start."


After quiet some time, he stop. The hiccup stop.

"You know y/n... Since the day I met you... I know that you will happen to know this someday..."

Shocked, I try to look at his face but he won't let me and instead, he hug me even tighter.

"I try to tell you everytime... But words can't go out of my throat... Silly me..."

"it's my fault too to get attach to you too much..."

"*sigh* If I just killed you right there when I met you..."

"It would be easier for me now..."

"If you didn't stir this feelings inside me..."

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