Chapter 36 - Making Monsters

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"Welcome, Rhajia Nikessa. Please, calm yourself. There's no need for fear."

My chest heaves as I glare at the pale man, reminded of a giant, predatory mole rat. Falra Jhur, he'd introduced himself as.

But I'm not afraid.

I'm furious and wracked with pain and out of breath from getting dragged up the north tower's ten flights of stairs. But having gotten a glimpse into their lift's cramped interior, I can't help but be thankful it was broken.

"Wh-what have you done to Thrall?" My words come in quick, uneven pants.

"Simply rendered him unconscious. I assure you, it's quite against my interests to do you or your Khaj any harm."

I grate my teeth as a fresh wave of pain crashes over me.

"What do you want with us?"

The falra's brows knot together, his ragged lips turning down.

"I want your help, of course. Your people need your help."

"Then you shouldn't have captured us. We already have a plan. We-"

"You were fleeing, admit it, Rhajia. Why else would you have traveled in secret through your own fatherlands, rather than joining with us to offer aid in the resistance?"

"I...we didn't..." my words taper off as I gape at him. Even if he does already know who we are, it's not as though I can trust him. I can't tell him our plan, can't tell him about the Sentinels.

So what in the names of all the Firstborn do I say?

"The closest thing to the truth that you can," Rhetrien's measured voice cuts through the panicked chaos of my mind. I must have been projecting my thoughts into the Link without realizing it.

"We do have a plan, but I can't tell you what it is without jeopardizing it. We...we can't be too visible. Can't have too many people with us. Not without risk of the Morovani finding and recapturing us."

Falra Jhur scoffs.

"I assure you our lands are better guarded than that. Already fresh recruits and seasoned warriors from throughout the clans have rallied to join their chieftains' regiments. There is no way-"

"You don't know yet what they have," I say. "Or what they're capable of."

Jhur sneers, hands clasping behind his back as he steps close and leans in.

"Then why don't you tell us?" he presses. His breath smells like rot.

My teeth lock together as my mind races. Then I blurt the words out before I've fully made up my mind to.

"A Sentinal. They have a functioning, piloted Sentinal. It can fly."

His eyes go wide, his already tiny pupils contracting. Then his expression breaks. He throws back his head, his barking laughter echoing through the tower.

"A Sentinal. Of course." He runs a hand across his brow and then lets it fall to his side. The laughter leaves his eyes as he glares back down at me.

"Lie better, girl. Or not at all."

My hands curl into fists as I edge away from him. But the window's right behind me, and I'm practically pinned.

"No. No. Can't you scent the truth in what I say? Please." My voice breaks as tears prick at the corners of my eyes. "Please believe me."

"She doesn't smell of lies," says K'vhar Skorsgar from behind the larger beast-eater, his tone bemused.

Jhur's nostrils flare, but then he jerks his head dismissively.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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