Chapter 94 Pretenders

Start from the beginning

How could he even face Lucius who looked so much like his mother? He loved the boy, but he couldn't look into those eyes without being reminded of all the things he had done wrong.

But now he had no choice. His father was coming for inspection and to discuss the future of Vertalis. He'd expect to see Lucius there. Cyrus wasn't; sure what would happen if his father didn't see his grandson here, but he wasn't about to find out.

He had sent a messenger to Boncini. Lucius would be here by nightfall. That still gave him enough time to prepare himself. He hadn't really spent time with the boy since before he went off to the war. That had been months ago. He wasn't too worried about the boy himself. Vara and Iason would have taken good care of him. Not just because Lucius was Cyrus' son, but because he was a child that needed care.

Things had changed at Vertalis. All of the staff had been thoroughly questioned and depending on the outcome, dealt with. His men had finally managed to locate the secret routes into Balor that had been used for the exchange of information. A few days ago, they had also found the mysterious rider Iolaus had seen when they had first visited here.

Now they needed to patch up the holes in their border defenses. That was part of the reason his father was visiting.

"Your Highness," one of the servants had stepped into the room and looked at him uncertain. The prince's moods were still unpredictable. "The room has been prepared for prince Lucius. Do you wish to inspect it?"

Cyrus lightly shook his head. "I trust you know how to prepare a room for the young prince."

The servant bowed hastily at the crown prince's annoyed tone and left the room.

Cyrus sighed again. What did a boy Lucius' age need? He was what? Nearly six now? Seven? Too old for toys, surely. And his father wouldn't insist on seeing the boy's room, would he? This wasn't a visit about Lucius. this was about Vertalis. His father would have no reason to be suspicious about Lucius' whereabouts.

A stable had been cleared for Lucius' horse. His teacher and wetnurse would both travel with him and stay in the servants quarters.

Yes, everything would be fine.


The house already seemed much emptier. Lucius had left for Vertalis early that morning. Only a small escort had accompanied the boy so they wouldn't draw attention. His teacher and wetnurse would ride the carriage with him, and his horse was led on the reigns by the messenger Cyrus had sent.

Vara just hoped everything would go well and that this would bring Cyrus and Lucius closer together again.

"Wew Wucius?"

Vara turned around at the sound of Phoebe's voice. The little girl was waggling into the room with her blanket dragging behind her.

Vara smiled at her sadly. "Lucius is on a trip," she told the girl. "He is visiting his father."

Phoebe pouted. "Phoebe wants to pway with Wucius."

"I know, sweety," Vara sighed, "but he is not here right now. Why don't you play with auntie Vara instead?"

Phoebe pouted again. "Wen Wucius come back?"

"I don't know, honey," Vara answered, "not for a while." The king would stay several days at Vertalis at least. What would happen after that, Vara wasn't sure. Cyrus might decide to return the boy to Boncini. Or, if all went well, keep him with him at Vertalis.

It was what she should hope for. But she couldn't deny that she wanted to keep the boy close.

She sighed. "Come, Phoebe." She held out her hand for the girl to take. "Let's see if momma goat has had her babies yet." She guided the child outside towards the goat pen. The girl was at that age where she was easily distracted. As soon as they entered the shed where the goats were kept during winter, Phoebe grabbed a hand of grains to feed the animals. Withing seconds they crowded around her. Phoebe only giggled.

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