Chapter Twenty-Seven - In Your Face

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"So, how are you getting on, Maya? Gotten past the 'point five' of an interview you were doing?"

"Actually, I've finished," I say triumphantly. In your face, Charlotte Finley.

"Finished?" she snorts. "Yeah... right. In your dreams!"

I swivel round to face her, and fold my arms. "My dreams, huh?"

Her smile wanes a bit, but she still stands tall. "Yeah. It's not like you'll ever be able to do anything before the actual deadline."

"Oh, really?" I send straight back.

The way I'm not backing down is freaking her out a bit, I can tell.

"I mean, I've only done nine out of ten. You can't possibly have finished before me."

I shrug, turning back to face my computer and flicking the power button on. "Guess you haven't been checking up on me as often as you thought you were."

Clearly displayed on my screen are ten different folders. "Interview One. Interview Two. Interview Three. All the way up to ten."

"Easy," she says, but her voice betrays her. She sounds less sure of herself. "You just made three empty folders. Or, knowing you, more than three. You've probably barely started the project at all."

"Why are you so determined to prove me wrong, Charlotte? Are you so afraid of being wrong yourself? Haven't you heard the saying 'When in a hole, stop digging?'

(Yeah, I don't exactly abide to this rule, but it still sounds pretty good as a comeback, so-o...)

She just tosses her hair over her shoulder and flounces off.

I almost shout 'And that's such a good comeback - silence!' at her back, but I'm not ten years old.

Okay, maybe I'm ten years old inside. But I actually am a twenty-eight year old woman - and unfortunately I have to act like one too.

So I stay strong and silent, and resort to the Maya Method - doing the kind of thing a ten-year old girl would do. But inside my head.

Commute - Camp NaNoWriMo April 2015Where stories live. Discover now