Chapter Thirteen - Thing One

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Tell us about your life. My name is Kendall. I'm fourteen years old. The first thing, or maybe second thing people hear about me is that I have a twin sister. Kara. She was born ten minutes after me and she's the grumpiest person you ever saw. No lie. People can say that twins are closer than other siblings, but they obviously haven't met me and Kara. Anyway. I live in Coxbury with Mom, and Dad lives in Australia. We used to live in America, but once they divorced Mom said that England would be 'a better place for us to grow up' so, I guess, here we are. 

What was your occupation before you started commuting? Kara and I were at school in California, when we were like eight, and our school was literally just around the corner. We'd wake up ten minutes before lessons started, and it was great. Then, obviously, we moved to England. For a few months we tried Coxbury Primary, but it was horrible there. Kara got bullied really badly, so when we turned eleven Mom decided to send us to a secondary school in London. One other girl from Coxbury, Della, was doing the same commute, but then she and her parents moved to London, so it was just us. Mom said we'd be fine as long as we were together.

Why are you based in London? Because of the bullying. It wasn't me they went for so much. I was quite confident and ready to make friends, but Kara was just so quiet. I guess they saw her as an easy target. It was horrible. She came home from school every day crying her eyes out. I didn't know what to do, so in the end we went and told the head teacher, and guess what they did? They totally misunderstood us, and their solution was to put me and Kara in different classes! That just made it worse, of course, so at the end of primary school Mom enrolled us in a secondary in London.

Why don't you just move to London? Mom's head of the only superstore in Coxbury, and I guess she doesn't want to miss that opportunity. I guess it would be a lot easier if we lived in London, but hey, it's not me who gets to choose. 

Lastly, tell us an interesting fact about you, or your family. The weird thing is, when we were really little, Kara and I were so close. We loved all the same things, and we were literally welded together. Then we moved away from California, and it was like she wasn't even my sister any more. She started living in her own little world, and I wasn't allowed in. We barely talk any more. The only thing we both like is the world of celebrities, so I think the time we spend on the train is really valuable, when we talk to each other about stuff, and read our favourite magazines together. Otherwise, she never talks to me.

Thank you for your time. I hope I helped with your article!

Commute - Camp NaNoWriMo April 2015Where stories live. Discover now