Chapter Seventeen - To The Bat Mobile!

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I have no reason whatsoever to approach Batman. So I start off lamely, "Uh... hello. I like bats."

He looks at me like I'm totally bats (pun intended). "Right. Thank you?"

Why is that a question?

"Like... on your bag." I gesture towards it. Please let the earth just swallow me up right now. I actually mean it.

"Oh!" His face clears. "My son, Jamie, superglued that sticker on there when I wasn't looking. He's five," he says, as a way of explanation.

Oh, fantastic. Now I have no way of relating to him.

"Look, sir. My name is-"

"Maya McKenna," he interrupts, "I know. John - you know, he gives out cookies sometimes? - he was telling me all about you. How he did an interview for you, for French Weekly. I'm quite envious, actually. It's a good paper."

My jaw almost drops. He's made it so easy.

"Sir? Would you like to do an interview?"

He laughs. "Me? Oh, no. There's nothing of interest that I could possibly tell you. Go and interview Obama or someone. Or even my wife - she'd give you all the gossip of Coxbury."

"Please, sir. I'd love it if you would."

"Really? Because I'll almost certainly be a disappointment..."

"I would love to have you do it," I promise. "Honestly."

He takes the tape reluctantly.

"Thank you," I say.

Commute - Camp NaNoWriMo April 2015Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin