Chapter Twenty-Three - All the Rules I've Broken

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There is nothing more rude than tapping someone on the shoulder when they are quite obviously engrossed in their work. If they have headphones in and are tapping away furiously at their keyboards, you shouldn't disturb them on any account.

Now then, think of all the social etiquette rules that I've broken. No, broken isn't quite the right word for it... it's more like grabbed down and thrown on the floor and trampled all over. One more can't hurt, right?

One more can't hurt.

So I reach over and tap Headphones Girl on the shoulder.

She snaps round, pulling her earphones out. "What do you want?"

"Will you do an interview with me for French Weekly?" I say, getting straight to my point.

"No," she says, getting straight to hers.

"Why not?" I persist. "It would be fun!"

She stares me down. "Fun?" she repeats, in a scathing voice. "FUN?"

"Yes?" I say weakly.

She sighs. "What's it for?"

"For French Weekly. I work there. I'm writing an article on commuting, and I need to interview some commuters."

"Interview them." She waves her hand about, indicating the other passengers.

"I already have," I admit.

"Oh really? Well, why do you want me then?"

"Because... you look like you have an interesting story to tell," I improvise.

She snorts. "I doubt it."

"Please. Just do it anyway."

She looks at me, and I look straight back.

"Fine," she says at last, and I hand over the tape.

Commute - Camp NaNoWriMo April 2015Where stories live. Discover now