Chapter Five - Take A Break!

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Jamie is waiting at the door when I arrive back at home. "Come in, Maya," he says. 

Uh-oh. Not once in living memory has Jamie ever waited at the door for me before. This can't be good. Like, really and truly can't be good. 

We sit down in the front room together. Another bad sign. We only ever use the front room when we have guests over.

"What is it?" I ask nervously.

"Look, Maya..." he sighs, "we're an engaged couple. We're getting married this June, for God's sake! And here we are, with you leaving at ten to seven every day, and getting back home around eight p.m. Come on, Maya, this is meant to be the happiest time of our lives! We're meant to be living life freely, partying late! Instead, I'm stuck at home while you're bogged down with work every day! It's so boring, Maya, and I'm so sick of it! Loosen up a little! Live your life!" 

He sits back on the sofa, clearly triumphant with how his little rehearsed speech has gone. I shake my head. "I'm sorry, Jamie. This work... it's important for me. If I get this project right, if I've done enough research... I could be promoted! I could become a big name! We could have hundreds coming in every week! But to get to the top, you've got to start at the bottom, and respect your position. That's what I'm doing. Honestly, I'm trying as hard as I can. I'm leaving work an hour earlier than the other junior London journalist, just so I can get back to you in time for dinner! Don't tell me that I need to "live my life" - I'm living it to the fullest extent! Just... not as a party person. As someone who's thinking about their future."

He nods. "Look, I get all that, Maya, but... you're even working on weekends. You're in your twenties! It's not healthy! Before you know it, all this will be gone and we'll be stuck here for years on end, watching reruns of Downton Abbey and eating nachos out of the packet! We really have to get out there and have fun before it's too late. At least take a day off sometimes, Maya. Sometimes!"

"Fine," I agree. "Sometimes." 

"Dave's having a party with the mates tonight..." he hints. 

I fold my arms. "No, Jamie. Absolutely not." 

"Alright then," he shrugs, standing up, "I'll go get ready. See you... probably tomorrow morning, or not, as you're working. Tomorrow evening then. Bye." 

"Fine," I huff, "I'll come. This one time, okay, Jamie? One time." 

"Sure," agrees Jamie, but there's an evil glint in his eye which makes me think this probably isn't the last party I'll be sob-storied into. 

 Later, at the party, I'm certain that this doesn't count as 'living my life'. It's all quiet music and low voices and food dips. Jamieand I stand uncomfortably in the corner, watching each other without saying anything. 

"This was a bad idea," I say at last, and he nods. 

"Sorry about that. The last time Dave had a party it was all loud music and flashing lights... I guess I remembered it that way." 

"Shall we just go home?" 

"Okay, I guess."         

So off we went. Jamie sneaks off to bed with a rather disgruntled look on his face, and I sit down in the living room and go over Grandpa Cookie's tape again, pondering who my next victim - sorry, interviewee - would be. I go over the carriage in my mind, and I decide that Fat Kid would probably do anything to be 'famous'. All right, Fat Kid. 

Crossing my fingers, I go to bed. 

Commute - Camp NaNoWriMo April 2015Where stories live. Discover now