Chapter Six - How Much Haribo?!

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The next morning, I enter Carriage C with high spirits, and four multipacks of Haribo. Yes. There he is, tapping away on his iPad in the corner.

Once the train has started moving, I head towards him. "Hi there," I say confidently.

He peers at me, then back at his screen. "What do you want?"

"You like sweeties, right?"

"Some types," he says suspiciously. "Why?"

"Because I have lots of lovely Haribo here for you."

"Ooh! Yum!" he shouts, grabbing at them.

"First of all though, I want to give you something."

"Give me something?"

"Well, you know I work for a newspaper, yeah?"


"Well, I need some very special people to do interviews for me. To go in the paper! And you'll become very famous - if you take this tape and listen to it. Whenever it asks you a question, just answer it as best you can - then give it back to me tomorrow."

"Whatever. Can I have the Haribo now?"

"You can have half now, and half tomorrow morning when you've recorded your answers?"

"Yeah. Okay," he says.


Commute - Camp NaNoWriMo April 2015Where stories live. Discover now