Chapter Twenty-Five - Weirdo Inc.

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I can't believe that I have only one more interview to do before I've finished my article. One more interview! It's Doritos Guy, and he's definitely not going to be that hard to persuade. From the looks of it, Batman and Grandpa Cookie have already talked him into it, so he's easy prey. Oh. I just realized that I sound like I'm a vampire now. Scratch that last bit. In fact, scratch all the other bits where I sound like I'm a vampire (i.e. the part where I imagined ripping off Miranda French's head - and enjoying it, too).

Anyway, today was quite a momentous day for me. It was the first time I saw one of my fellow commuters out of the train. Grandpa Cookie was down at Coxbury Green, the local park, having a picnic with his wife. I didn't say hello. No, I just stalked them for about half an hour. It was pretty weird, actually, seeing him out of the train - and his wife, as well. He talked about her on the tape, so it feels a bit strange to see her in real life.

I guess I haven't really thought about all these people, and how they probably all only live about ten minutes away from me (except Homer Simpson, of course, as he lives in London). I've probably walked by them before, on the pavement, in the shops. I felt almost like a little kid, when you think your teacher lives in school and never leaves. Obviously I didn't think that they lived in the train, but... I never imagined them out and about.

The next morning, I wake up in high spirits. I bought Crunchy Nut Cornflakes today at the supermarket instead of Cheerios, so I'm really looking forward to breakfast! At least... until I head down the stairs and find Jamie tipping the last of the packet into his bowl.

"James Roberts! Have you eaten a whole box of cereal? That's excessive, even for you." I stare him down disapprovingly.

He's got nothing to say to that. He just hangs his head sheepishly. "Sorry. I got a bit out of control..."

"Yes. I can see," I sigh, and take the Cheerios from the larder. Oh well. The world needs me to eat Cheerios, otherwise nobody will.

I get on the train, and it only takes a minute or two for me to say hello and hand Doritos Guy the tape. I almost feel like rubbing my hands together in glee, but that would probably contribute to the whole vampire-supervillain thing I've got going on, and that's definitely not a good thing. So I resort to sitting in my seat and imagining myself rubbing my hands together in glee, with a triumphant smile on my face. Actually, I probably look a bit deranged now. Time to get a novel out to distract myself before my fellow passengers call Weirdo Inc.

Commute - Camp NaNoWriMo April 2015حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن