Chapter Twenty-Four - Headphones Girl

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Tell us about your life. There's not much to tell. I live with my best friend from college in a house on the edge of Coxbury. When we were at college we were really close, but since we started living together we've kind of drifted apart. She doesn't really talk to me at all, not like she used to, and she's always out with her other friends. I usually have the house to myself most nights, and she's always asleep when I leave the house in the morning to catch the train. My parents live with my brother in Cambridge. He's fifteen, and still at school. As far as I know, he's happy, but then again, I don't know much.

What was your occupation before you started commuting? I worked near Coxbury for a while, but it got so repetitive. I was just standing behind a counter all day. So I went out and got a job in London. I'm an economics research assistant at Bentley's Trust now, and it's a lot more interesting. Yes, there are a lot of graphs and complicated-looking words, but once you know what they mean, it's like a different world. I feel like it's what I'm meant to do.

Why are you based in London? You want an honest answer? I'm sick of Coxbury. Sick of the quiet, peaceful village. Sick of there being nothing to do. I hate it so much. There's nothing that interests me in Coxbury. London is a far more interesting place, full of people and things and life. Coxbury is just bland, and nothing.

Why don't you just move to London? Oh, I wish I could! But I don't have enough money to pay for a house. I pay half the rent, and my best friend pays the other half. She refuses to move with me to London, though, and I couldn't find another housemate. It has to be someone I know, someone I'm comfortable with, and I wouldn't be comfortable with any random stranger who'd answered an ad.

Lastly, tell us an interesting fact about you, or your family. I listen to pop music while I'm working. All the time, no lie. When I'm making PowerPoints, writing emails, or just hanging out on the Internet, I have a YouTube tab open. I play anything... Taylor Swift, Meghan Trainor, One Direction... I guess it just helps me concentrate. And my boss has never complained, so he's probably fine with it too. If you look at me, you probably wouldn't think I'm into that sort of thing. I mean, everyone always says I have a 'serious face'. But inside? I'm a total fifteen-year-old fangirl.

Thank you for your time. It was probably a waste of time anyway.

Commute - Camp NaNoWriMo April 2015जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें