"Jacob, you dumb shit! Class start in less than 20 minutes. Get your ass up!"


"Holy fuck is right. Hurry up!"

I hang the phone and jump right out of bed. I grab my towel off my hanger and my bathroom set and run down the hall to the bathrooms. Damn, I really wish we had our own bathrooms here.

Lances P.O.V.

"Hi, do you know who Kaeleah is?" I ask this random girl.

"No." She says and walk off.

Damn, that's the answer i've been getting all morning. Stupid Kaeleah won't answer any of my texts or calls.

"Oomph." I turn around and a girl is on the ground looking up at me pretty angrily.

"Jeez. Watch where you're going kid."

"Excuse me?" The girl stands up from the ground and looks at me.

"You heard me. First you hit rendom people now you can't hear? Is there something wrong with you?" She sneeers.

"Woah dude. I don't know who the hell you are but you shouldnt be talking to me like that."

"I can talk to you however I want. Now, get out of my way."

"Gladly." I say. I watch as she walks away and I have to say. She has a very very nice ass.

Codys P.O.V.

"Yes Keana, I'm on my way to class now." I say into my phone.

"Okay. I love you." She says.

"I love you too.' I say and hang up.

All day Keana has been blowing up my phone with messsages and calls. She really can't get off my back and I have to say it's starting to get annoying.

I walk into my Physical Science class. Last class for the day and I am done.

I'm a bit late, and everyone is already here. Lucky thing my teacher isnt, cause if she was. Woo I am dead meat.

"And you are?" I turn around and face a woman in a dark blue blouse and dress pants standing in front of the class.

"Austin. Cody Austin." I say feeling confused. Why is this so called classmate of mine asking who I am?

"Well Mr.Austins. Next time, don't come to class late or you will be locked out. You're lucky it's the first day." She says sternly.

"Wait a minute. Are you the professor?" I hear my class laugh silently and glance up at them before looking back at my "Professor".

"Well if you came on time like you were supposed to you would know. Take a seat. You're wasting my time." She says. Well damn. She definately got me there.

I take a seat in the back of th class and watch in silence at she teaches class.

Cam's P.O.V. 

"Hey, are you lost?" I turned around and came face to face with a Nirvana T-Shirt. I tilted my head up to look at the guy who was talking to me. God damn he was tall.

"No. I'm fine." I say and begin walking away. That was the fifth time someone asked me that, fifth time a guy asked, to be specific.

I walked into my Calculus class and took a seat in the middle row next to a girl with dark red hair. She turned to me and rolled her eyes before looking back to the front of the classroom. Well then.

"So you really weren't lost I guess." I turned and watched as Nirvana shirt guy took the vacant seat next to mine. I hummed in response and turned back around.

"What's your name?" he asked. I ignored him answer kept my eyes to the front.

"Hello? Did you hear me? What's your name?" he asks again, but this time he tapped my shoulder. I continued to ignore him.

"Hey, are you deaf or something? I'm talking to you!" he grabbed my shoulder hard and turned me to him.

"Hey-" My sentence got cut off when the girl next to me started talking.

"Hey jackass! Leave her alone. She's obviously not in to you, so why don't you just back off huh?"

"Whatever." he says and walks away.

I turn to red head. "Thanks for that. You didn't really need to do that for me."

"Don't mention it, but if it happens again then you're on your own."

"You know, this is going to be the start of a very beautiful friendship." I say.
Keanas P.O.V.

"What's your name?" I look to my side and a blonde girl is looking at me with bright blue eyes.

"Keana. And you are?"

"My name is Amanda."

"Well hello Amanda."

"Hola! You're really pretty, and btw there's a cute guy that has been starring af you from across the room for quite a while now."

I turn my head and wa bam! There is a guy starring at me. I turn back to Amanda, "He's not even that cute." I shrug.

"Girl, you must be blind." she says and checks her nails.

"Okay, I lied. He is really cute."

"So, what are you waiting for? Go get him!" she smiles.

"I can't do that."

"And why not?"

"Because, I have a boyfriend."

"Where is said boyfriend?"

"All the way in Minnesota."

"And where are you?"

"In Arizona."

"Exactly. Point proven."

"What? Amanda, I can't cheat on my boyfriend!"

"I wasn't even suggesting that. I was gonna say he's there you're here, just go talk to that guy because your man won't beat his ass if he saw." She shrugs. "You're the one who suggested to cheat."

Well Fuck.
Jays P.O.V.

"Hey my name is Jay, short for Jayleen." I said with a smile.

"Names Justin."

"Cool. See you around."

If you're wondering what i'm doing, it's really nothing. Just introducing myself to a lot of people just because.

"Football trouts this afternoon! Anyone is welcome!"

"What time specifically?" I asked the guy standing on the table.

"Were you planning on trying out?" He asked.

"Yeah I actually was-"

"You're real funny. What's your name?"

"Jayleen. What's so-"

"Okay Jayleen. No offense, but you just aren't Cali state material."

"Excuse me?!"

"You're excused." he turned away and started shouting again. "Football tryouts this afternoon. All guys welcome!" He said and looked back at me.

I turned around swiftly and began walking in the opposite direction. He messed with the wrong girl.


Woo. Hey guys. So, early update cause I am finished and satisfied.

You're welcome.

I hope you liked it and I didn't want to write a lot on each of them cause they're supposed to make you wonder. Ya feel me? I hope you do cause if you don't.... I sound stupid.

Everyone still curious about Mariah? Stay curious till my next update.

Just realized that my next update is the last update for this book. How sad. But you know what? This is not the last of Jeadeaday.

Love you lovebugs c;

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