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‼️This part may contain things that should not be. And I want to tell you that this is just an imagine and all of this are FICTION. So please don't take it seriously‼️


You wake up in a bright room that is not too wide. You're still sitting in your chair with the metal table in front of you, the doctor and nurse across from you. While the bodyguards, and the police are behind you. Uncle Andy, Aunt Clara, and your parents are outside the room, but they can still see you through the glass.

"W-who are you all? Where am I?" you asked panicked.

"You're in a mental hospital now, young lady," the doctor said casually. "Now I want to ask you something."

"What? Mental hospital?! No!! I'm not crazy!! Get me out of here!!" You try to escape, but you can't. Your hands and feet are tied to the chair you're sitting on.

"Police, please give her the photos of the evidence that exists," the doctor ordered.

"Ok doc, here are the photos," the policeman put a lot of photos on the metal table. The pictures in the photos are portraits of a tragic plane crash. There is a year when the photo was taken.

February 8th 2017

"Isn't this the tragedy of the GoodFlight Air plane crash, the news of which I watched on Jungwon's TV?" you asked yourself.

The doctor pointed to one of the photos with a boy on it, "Y/N, if I may ask, who is he? Do you know him?"

"Yes yes, I know him!! He is my friend. My best friend!! He is my friend since I went to this place a few weeks ago for summer vacation," you replied.

"Are you sure?" asked the doctor again.

You feel confused about this, take a closer look at the photo.

One of the photos catches your eye. You see a photo, in which there is a photo of a family of four members. And the boy was wearing a jacket.

The same jacket you used when Jungwon told you to wear a jacket at night.

It is black, with white stripes, and has sheep and garden patches. Exactly like the one you used.

And also a photo of a GoodFlight Air crashing into a big tree in the forest. The tree is like having a house on it...or you could say a tree house.

And when you take a closer look, it's Jungwon's. Jungwon's tree house that you visit almost every day.

Your eyes started to water, "No..this can't be. This can't be happening!"

The doctor leans over and gives you one more photo. "How about this? Do you still not believe it?"

He showed a photo of Jungwon who was dead and lying near the tree house with his body covered in blood.
(For once again, this is just for an imagine. Don't take it seriously okay?)

Your tears are already running down your cheeks and you slam the table "No!! He's still alive!! This isn't real! Can't you see? He's beside me now!! He's beside me!!" you shouted hysterically. The police and bodyguards keep you from getting worse.

Then one of the nurses there approached the doctor. "What disease does she have?" asked the doctor.

"She has Loforghostemia," the nurse answered.

Loforghostemia (it's spelled Love-for-ghost-mia) is a disease of a person who likes ghosts.

(And the name of the disease I made myself. So it doesn't really exist hehehe)

"What the hell is Loforghostemia?! I don't have that disease!! I'm not lying to you guys, he's really here!! Jungwon, please say something!!!" you dodge their words.

Jungwon replied, "I-i'm scared.." his body was shaking and his face was very scared.

You turned to them again, "You guys have scared Jungwon!" you are angry. "Just go!!!" Your anger is getting out of control. Therefore, you are increasingly tied up and detained by the police and the bodyguards.

The doctor walks up to you and shows you a very large syringe.

You're so scared of it because you don't know what liquid is in it.

"No no..please!! Mom, dad, help me!! Uncle Andy, Aunty Clara, help me!! Help me please...!!" You've asked for help and crying a lot because you don't want an injection.

But no one from your family came into the room to help you but just stood watching you suffer like that just from the glass divider.

But there is only hope in your life. "Jungwon..help me. Help me please.." you said in a weak tone.

"I'm t-trying.." he is in a struggle to help you untie the ties and hands of the police and the bodyguards.

The police and the bodyguards felt that something strange was trying to grab their hand. But they ignore it and keep trying to hold you back.

The doctor slowly brings the syringe to your neck, and you're terrified. You turned to face Jungwon.

"Jungwon," you called in a weak tone. "I-i..love you too."

And coincidentally after that, the syringe was stuck in your neck and the liquid had entered your body. And in an instant, you passed out.



I started to open my eyes again...I don't know how long I've been unconscious, after I was given a strange liquid by a crazy doctor.

I woke up in a small room, with one bright little light that made my eyes hurt.

"Why is it so bright here? Where am I?" I asked confused while looking for the switch. But before that, I realized that I was not alone in this room.

"Oh Jungwon? You're here too? What are you doing here?" I asked him.

Since then..I know why my friends, even my family look at me with strange look.

They also often tell me, "Don't laugh alone..that will be your bad habit."

All because I thought I was a cheerful person.

That's why they brought me to this place...a mental hospital.

And I realized that I...had gone crazy.

I started talking alone when I met Jungwon.

Then Jungwon said to me, "Don't be afraid. I will always be by your side, Y/N."

-The End-

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