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Because you and Jungwon were the last people to look for a dorm room, it's difficult for you to find it because most of them are full.

You opened one of the girl's dorm, "Excuse me, is this room still enough for one person? I haven't got a room yet."

One of them replied, "Sorry but our room is full. Maybe you can find another room."

And Jungwon's situation is the same as you. "Excuse me, sorry to bother you. But is your room still enough for one person? I still haven't got a room."

But one of them didn't answer. They are busy with their activities.

You patted him on the shoulder, "You got a room?" He shook his head, "They didn't answer me. Maybe they were busy packing their stuff."

"You can't go on like this, Jungwon. You have to be brave." You sighed, "Okay, I'll ask them."

You asked, and someone answered you, "Sorry, but this is a boy's dorm. You can't sleep here."

You were shocked, "What?! No!! It's not me who wants to sleep here, but my friend. Can you guys still make it for one more person?"

Then a second boy appeared, "Friend? Who is your friend? Is she a girl too? Sorry but we are not interested in that," he said in a slightly mocking tone.

"What the heck is he talking about?" You think.

Then his friend, who had been playing on his phone, spoke up, "He can sleep here," he said coldly.

"Really??" you asked in disbelief. "Jungwon, you can sleep here and quick pack your things. I'll be looking for a dorm for me. Have fun!!" you left him.

Jungwon walked into his dorm and looked for an empty bed.

But nothing is empty. Everything is full. The boy who was just playing with his phone came up to him, "Hey. You can sleep at my bed. I'll just sleep on the sofa."

"W-what do you mean?" he asked timidly. He stretched out his hand, "My name is Echan. You?"

"J-jungwon," he answered.

He patted his back lightly, "Hey, don't be so shy. Are you new to this area?"

He nodded slightly.

"Echan, what are you doing? Come on out. Let's get some twigs to prepare for the bonfire," one of his friends shouted from outside the dorm.

Echan looked at Jungwon, "You can pack your stuff, then at half past seven we will have a bonfire. See you at bonfire time."

"See you too..thanks for your kindness," he smiled and Echan gave his wink.

"His wink is cool. Can I do that too?"

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