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Happy reading!! ^^

[Start writing: 09/10/2021]



This month is summer holiday. I'm so happy to finally be able to take a break from school. Plus, my parents wanted to leave me at my aunt and uncle's house, because they had plans to go abroad.

But I don't care.

The housing atmosphere there, is very comfortable and cool. That's why I like and want to live there.

"Sweetie, get your clothes and all your gear ready for two months!!" my mom helped me prepare all the equipment for my summer holiday.


"Are you ready kids?" my dad, Jacob Smith, started the engine of his sedan. My mom and I answered in unison, "Aye aye captain!!"

"I can't hear you..."

"Ay ay, captain!!"


Yup, my family loves SpongeBob movies..we even held a family gathering to watch the SpongeBob movie marathon while on holiday.

But not for this holiday. This holiday, I will stay at my auntie and uncle's house without my parents. Their house is located in the mountains near the forest. At least their house is my closest family house.


"Hey Clara, Andy, please take care of my daughter!!" my dad helped me get my things and suitcase out of the trunk of the car. "Clara, if Y/N wants cookies, don't give her that. She's been eating too many chocolate cookies at home," my dad warned his sister, who was my aunt.

"Okay Jake," she said. While making a finger gesture 'OK'.

Oh no...i can't eat a lot of chocolate cookies this holiday??! I looked at her in shock, and she looked back at me with a wink.

I smiled at her. That's what I like about her.

"Y/N sweetheart, please be nice while you stay here. Don't bother them," my mom warned me. So did my dad, "And don't ask for anything weird. Especially chocolate cookies."

What? I can't even eat chocolate cookies on my holiday? And chocolate cookies aren't anything weird either. It's food and that's normal. I sighed, "Alright dad.."

Then my parents got in the car and waved to us, "Bye guys!! I love you!!" So do we, and they run the car.

Yep, my parents left me at my uncle and aunt's house because of work. My dad is a lawyer, he wants to go out of town for work...and my mom will accompany him. They were worried that I would get bored if I went with them, so here I am.

"Be careful!! I'm gonna miss you!!" I said while making a funnel with my hand in front of my mouth.

Aunt Clara stroked my back and ushered me in. "Y/N, we have prepared a room for you. And we will help you to clean up your things."

I quickly refused, "No no, it's okay Aunt Clara. I can do it myself." Unbeknownst to me, Uncle Andy had brought my suitcase to my room upstairs.

I chase after him, "Uncle Andy, wait!! Let me just-" I gasped when I saw my room. "What the...Uncle Andy, did you and Aunt Clara prepare all this??"

He smiled at me, "Yes, Y/N. We prepared all of this." I hugged him tightly, "Thank you so much Uncle Andy, you guys are the best!!"

Holy cow..! How come?? They made my room which looks like a musical feel. I really like music.


It's already night. We started setting the table for dinner. Aunt Clara cooked baked beans for dinner.

I looked out the window and saw how dark the forest was. "Uncle Andy," he turned to me as he wiped his rifle. "Yes kid?"

"I want to ask you. Why did you choose to buy a house near the forest instead of one near the city? I get scared every time I look out the window."

How come? When I wanted to look outside, what I saw wasn't my neighbor's house that I had a crush on. But a dark and spooky forest.

He put his rifle on the sofa and smiled, "Your aunt wanted a place to live here. She said it was because the air was clean, plus she doesn't like places that are too noisy."

I formed my mouth into an "O" shape in response.

But something caught my eye.

"Hello? Who's there?" I shouted out the window, calling out to the person who seemed to be peeking at me from behind a large tree in the forest.

When I wanted to take a closer look, my aunt grabbed my shoulder. "Hey sweetheart what's going on? Come on let's eat. I've got dinner on the table."

I nodded and headed for the table.

Who the hell is the person standing behind the tree at this time of night? Huffttt..this is what I don't like. Nightmare always haunted me. Tomorrow I better check into the forest to make sure who it is.

Hello this is my first Jungwon Fanfic so I hope you guys like it!!♡

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