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Uncle Andy tied the rope tighter so it wouldn't come loose because you kept moving.

"Please stop moving young girl. This is for your own good and health. Now drink this. Take these pills!!" said Aunt Clara in a forced tone.

You started to shed your tears, "No aunty, I don't want to. I'm healthy and don't need the pills! What am I sick of?!"

Aunt Clara shook her head, "You are really sick sweetheart. Hurry up and drink this, or I will force you to take these pills?"

You ended up taking the pills in one gulp. After that, they leave your room and lock your door with chains.

"Well, what do you think about that?" Uncle Andy asked and put his hand on his waist.

"I think...we should call the police. And doctor."


"Jungwon, help me..." you said in a weak tone. He immediately came out from under your bed and wanted to help you untie the rope.

"Ugh!! Why is this so hard to open?! I have to get a knife in the kitchen," he walked towards the door. "Shit, it's locked." He feels uneasy and has to keep looking for ways to open your bedroom door.

You who saw Jungwon walking here and there, began to feel dizzy. "Jungwon, please stop it. I feel tired and dizzy. You better sit there to accompany me to talk here,  and don't have to find a way to open this damn thing."

He sat on your bed facing you who was tied to a chair near the bed. "Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it like that, I...i-I was just traumatized by something like that. So I couldn't do anything but hide."

He lowered his head, "If you confirmed my feelings for you earlier and then I became your boyfriend, I would never deserve to be yours. I'm such a horrible boyfriend ever for letting you be like that."

You shook your head while holding back your tears, "Don't talk like that. I also feel helped by you just having you here with me." You smile at him, and he strokes your head. Then not long after that, your eyes feel heavy and fall asleep without realizing it.


"This is the kid, doc. Please check her first," Aunt Clara invited a doctor and a police officer into your room to be examined.

The doctor said, "Her body temperature is high, her heart rate is faster. Not like normal people. I think she should be taken to the hospital. Ma'am, do we need to bring the chair too?"

Aunt Clara nodded.

"Police, please help me lift this kid and her seat into the ambulance. Ma'am, sir, you may come with us."

A/N: Right now they are in an ambulance going 'somewhere'. Y/N was in the back because she passed out, and Uncle Andy and Aunt Clara also sat in the back to look after her.

"Clara, did you really see that Jungwon? Y/N's friend?" asked Uncle Andy. She nodded, "Yeah, I can see him."

Uncle Andy faced the front, "You can see him, but I can't. That means you have something that not everyone has. How did you feel when you found out Y/N brought Jungwon home?"

She sighed, "To be honest, I was really shocked when I saw Y/N bring her 'friend'. B-because I s-see.." she paused.

"What do you see?" Uncle Andy held her hand to calm her anxiety a little.

She looked at Andy and started shedding tears, "I-I saw the blood running down his face. His face was covered in blood, and his face looked as if it had been burnt to a pulp."

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